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Succulent Karoo
Strategic Direction 5.  Increase awareness of the Succulent Karoo hotspot
Drought in the Succulent Karoo – Increasing the Awareness of Stakeholders Through a Better Understanding of the Physical, Ecological, and Socioeconomic Effects, Interactions, and Responses
Publicize the forum's research to a civil society audience beyond those attending the annual conference. This includes publishing at least four review papers, a conference synthesis, popular articles, and electronic abstracts of conference presentations as well as ensuring communication between the scientific community and the farmers of Sutherland, the site of the annual conference to be held in September 2007.
Amount $19,030
Grant Term 7/07-2/08
Grantee Arid Zone Ecology Forum
Raising Awareness of the Unique Biodiversity of the Tanqua Karoo and Roggeveld Priority Region
Raise awareness about the Succulent Karoo Hotspot by establishing a facility within the Tankwa Karoo National Park for information sharing and dissemination.  Target audiences include farmers, scientists, students, tourists and the local communities living in the region.  The project will undertake extensive outreach activities, and will involve schools and the agricultural sector in pilot conservation projects.
Amount $50,000
Grant Term 7/05-4/07
Grantee South African National Parks
Co-authorship of a Book titled East of the Cape–Conserving Eden
Co-author a book to increase awareness and appreciation of the value and uniqueness of the biodiversity of an area covering the eastern part of the Cape Floristic Region, part of the Little Karoo subregion of the Succulent Karoo, and most of the Subtropical Thicket Ecosystem Planning Project domain in the southwest of the Maputoland Pondoland Albany region. The book will expose readers to land uses that promote sustainability, discuss the bioregional approach to conservation planning, and provide reader-friendly information on the natural history of select species and ecosystems.
Amount $3,300
Grant Term 1/05-12/05
Grantee Shirley Pierce Cowling
This is a multiregional project covering two hotspots; the total grant amount is $6,600.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Knersvlakte Biodiversity Awareness Raising Project
Identify and train a team from the Knersvlakte geographic priority area of the Succulent Karoo Hotspot to raise awareness and educate people in the area about the biodiversity of the Knersvlakte, the importance of protecting it, and how to use it responsibly. The team will be based at the Masibambane Community Centre in Vanrhynsdorp, South Africa.
Amount $111,844
Grant Term 1/05-12/06
Grantee Masibambane Multi-Purpose Community Centre
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 37 KB)
Piloting a Resource for Environmental Education in the Little Karoo
Test and develop environmental education materials for teachers and students in the Little Karoo. Materials include two booklets, the first about plants in the Succulent Karoo and the second comparing the lifestyle survival strategies of the original San people with survival strategies adapted by plants and animals in the Little Karoo.
Amount $6,000
Grant Term 4/04-9/04
Grantee Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Klein Karoo Awareness Project
Create awareness and stimulate interest in the Succulent Karoo by conducting courses on plants and conservation issues at Minwater in the southern Karoo. Approximately 10 courses will be held for landowners in the region. Project staff will visit farmers who are unable to attend the courses. Through this project landowners will gain an understanding of the importance of conserving their properties and will be introduced to farming practices to help reduce the loss of biodiversity.
Amount $5,308
Grant Term 4/04-3/06
Grantee L. H. Jordaan
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Sanna's Garden: Animated Animals Teach Kids about Conservation
Create an entertaining, gentle and educational children's series using the medium of stop-frame puppet animation. The series will introduce children to a cast of animal characters indigenous to the Succulent Karoo, and will be focused around a garden they build to protect the endangered plants of the region. The aim is to change perceptions of the Karoo as a dry barren area often perceived as empty and of lesser worth. This project aims to prepare the pilot episode in a series that will be marketed to local broadcasters and distributed free of charge to schools.
Amount $7,000
Grant Term 2/04-6/04
Grantee Fopspeen Live Art
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 65 KB)
A Conservation Awareness Raising Plan for the Bushmanland Inselberg Geographic Priority Area
Refine the awareness raising action plan drawn up at the Bushmanland Inselberg Action Planning Workshop held at Swartkoppies, 3-4 April 2003, and produce a document suitable for implementation by stakeholders in the region.
Amount $9,027
Grant Term 2/04-5/04
Grantee Namprocon CC
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Nieuwoudtville Biodiversity Facilitators Project
Create a coordinating structure to raise awareness of biodiversity in the Nieuwoudtville area through facilitation of exchange between local communities and researchers and interactive learning events for school children.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 2/04-2/06
Grantee Indigo Development and Change
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Biodiversity Awareness Raising: Exhibitions and Biodiversity Fieldtrips During the Western Cape International Youth Festival
Raise awareness about the biodiversity of the Succulent Karoo Hotspot through an exhibit and activities at the Western Cape International Youth Festival held in Oudtshoorn, South Africa in July 2003. Approximately 25,000 youth attend the festival.
Amount $2,287
Grant Term 7/03-8/03
Grantee Western Cape International Youth Festival
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Market Research Support to the Africa Environmental News Service
Support the Africa Environmental News Service by advising on planning of market research and development of marketing research tools, conducting the market research exercise and assisting with the development of a business plan.
Amount $3,333
Grant Term 5/03-10/04
Grantee Equals Three Communications
This is a multiregional project covering three hotspots; the total grant amount is $10,000.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, January 2004: Connecting Conservationists in Africa
Formal Launching of CEPF-Funded SKEP Programme in Knersvlakte
Officially launch CEPF investment in the Succulent Karoo hotspot through a special event to build awareness of CEPF's and the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program's commitment to conserving the hotspot and to help publicize the new availability of grants for civil society.
Amount $379
Grant Term 3/03-4/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, April 2003: Stakeholders Forge Common Ground in Succulent Karoo
Taking SKEP to a Finer Scale: Catalyzing Conservation Action in Geographic Priority Areas in the Succulent Karoo
Conduct seven fine-scale Action Planning Workshops for the CEPF geographic priority areas in order to provide an open forum for generating a common vision for the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program (SKEP) and five-year plan of priority actions for conservation and sustainable development in each area.
Amount $18,332
Grant Term 3/03-7/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building a Global Constituency for Biodiversity Conservation
Implement a series of targeted public awareness and education campaigns in nine hotspots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Campaign leaders participate in an intensive training course at the UK's Kent University or Mexico's Guadalajara University, prepare detailed plans to implement campaigns, link with a local organization in their region and commit to a minimum two years with that organization.
Amount $153,373
Grant Term 1/03-12/06
Grantee Conservation International ($48,448 grant), Rare ($104,925 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering nine hotspots; the total grant amount is $1,993,855 (Rare $1,364,030 and Conservation International $629,825).
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
- Lesson Learned, September 2005
- Index to CEPF-supported campaigns
- In Focus, November 2004: Marketing Social Change
- In Focus, August 2003: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro