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Succulent Karoo
Strategic Direction 4.  Mainstream conservation priorities into land-use planning and policymaking
Wetlands of Kamiesberg Municipality
Classify, describe, and assess the status of the wetlands in the Kamiesberg Municipality in the Namaqualand Uplands geographic priority area to inform the Spatial Development Framework for the municipality.
Amount $14,500
Grant Term 7/07-3/08
Grantee Freshwater Consulting Group
Greening the Namaqua District Municipality
Support the development of the legal framework and skill capacity for the Namaqua District Municipality to develop and implement a green development vision that not only considers but is also led by the biodiversity conservation vision for the region.
Amount $94,807
Grant Term 7/07-12/08
Grantee Conservation International
Developing Products for Integrating Biodiversity Priorities into Land-Use Planning and Decisionmaking in the Namaqua District Municipality
Integrate the outputs from completed and current projects into a single harmonized set of products for the Namaqua District Municipality that is aligned with the new national guidelines for bioregional plans to provide guidance on suitable areas for formal conservation.
Amount $134,100
Grant Term 7/07-6/08
Grantee Botanical Society of South Africa
Biodiversity Guidelines for Agricultural Development in the Northern Cape
Develop guidelines for agricultural development that can be used in decisionmaking relating to applications for cultivation of new agricultural land in the Bokkeveld Plateau of the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld geographic priority area.
Amount $19,700
Grant Term 5/07-12/07
Grantee Botanical Society of South Africa
SKEEP – Southern Karoo Environmental Education Project
Ensure that  educators, learners, and partners in the Gouritz Initiative in the Central Little Karoo have a better understanding of the biology and ecology of the Little Karoo and are actively involved in conservation.  Use puppet theatre, field outings, field camps and school projects to achieve this understanding and involvement.
Amount $91,286
Grant Term 2/06-6/07
Grantee Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Related News and Products - CAPE Environment newsletter archive
Identifying, Mapping, and Valuing Socioeconomically Significant Biodiversity At the Municipal Level: A Pilot Study in Oudtshoorn, South Africa
Identify and map natural capital features in the Oudtshoorn Municipality and determine their economic value. Share maps and other products, and lessons learned, with stakeholders, government officials, and Gouritz Initiative staff to ensure that natural capital is integrated into future Integrated Development Plans and Spatial Development Frameworks.
Amount $29,651
Grant Term 8/05-10/06
Grantee Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Demography of Brown Hyenas in the Larger Kaukasib and Klinghardt Mountains Area in the Sperrgebiet, Namibia
Survey brown hyena home range, territory size, habitat use and activity patterns in the Kaukasib area of the Sperrgebiet.  Determine hyena density, feeding habitats and diet, gather spatial information and investigate genetic viability of Sperrgebiet brown hyenas.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 8/05-7/07
Grantee Brown Hyena Research Project
Conservation Priorities for Insects of the Kamiesberg Uplands
Collect baseline data on the composition, distribution, spatial habitat requirements, and conservation status of the insect fauna of the Kamiesberg Uplands, with emphasis on local or regional endemics. Use the dataset to identify priority areas for conservation.
Amount $10,678
Grant Term 7/05-3/06
Grantee Jonathan Colville
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
An Inventory of the Rare and Endemic Plants and Habitats of the Kamiesberg Uplands
Identify priority areas for conservation in the Kamiesberg uplands in Namaqualand via an inventory of plants and habitats.  Feed data directly into a concurrent SKEP project undertaken by Philip Desmet to prepare a fine scale conservation plan for the Kamiesberg uplands, which should become the guiding document for the area in terms of conservation based land-use plans.
Amount $18,695
Grant Term 3/05-10/06
Grantee Nick Helme
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 19 KB)
- Related report - A Description of the Endemic Flora and Vegetation of the Kamiesberg Uplands, Namaqualand, June 2006 (PDF, 1.72 MB)
Developing a Fine-Scale Conservation Plan for the Kamiesberg Uplands
Develop and deliver a fine-scale conservation plan for the Kamiesberg Uplands and surrounding for integration into the Kamiesberg Municipality’s Spatial Development Initiative. This project forms one component of this initiative, and specifically will contribute by (1) gathering available relevant biodiversity and land-use data; (2) performing the conservation planning analyses; and, (3) communicating results to the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program team and project participants.
Amount $19,870
Grant Term 2/05-1/06
Grantee Philip Desmet
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Inventory, Mapping, and Increased Awareness of the Brown Hyena and Other Large Predators in the Sperrgebiet and Surrounding Areas, Namibia
Conduct research on large carnivores, specifically the brown hyena, in the Sperrgebiet geographic priority area of the Succulent Karoo. Carry out a large predator awareness program in local communities, schools, farms, and tourist camps. Project deliverables include maps of sensitive areas, an inventory of large predators and population density estimates.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 2/04-3/05
Grantee Brown Hyena Research Project
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Progress Report, September 2004
- Project newsletter archive
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in the Succulent Karoo Hotspot: Strengthening and Ensuring Sustainability of the Institutional Environment for Conservation Action Through SKEP
Catalyze activities to contribute to the long-term security of conservation in the Succulent Karoo by laying the foundation for successful mainstreaming and institutionalizing of biodiversity conservation in South Africa and Namibia. Activities include integrating the Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Program (SKEP) conservation targets and strategy into institutional policymaking and land-use planning, monitoring activities at the SKEP project and program levels, and facilitating the evolution of the SKEP Coordination Unit into an independent grant-making trust.
Amount $271,190
Grant Term 11/03-12/05
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots
Upgrade the Internet and video-conferencing facilities at the Kirstenbosch Research Centre (KRC), National Botanical Institute. Through this strategic investment, the KRC will improve its financial management ability in the Cape Floristic Region and the Succulent Karoo hotspots and catalyze a larger Internet technology development strategy to develop into a Center for Biodiversity Conservation.
Amount $60,214
Grant Term 10/03-10/04
Grantee South African National Biodiversity Institute ($27,020 grant), Conservation International ($33,194 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering two hotspots; the total grant amount is $120,428 (South African National Biodiversity Institute $54,040 and Conservation International $66,388).
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro