Establishing the Knersvlakte Provincial Nature Reserve
Consolidate 26 properties totaling 43,979 hectares to form a core around which the Knersvlakte Provincial Nature Reserve will be developed in the Knersvlakte geographic priority area of the Succulent Karoo Hotspot.
Informing the Development of an Integrated Land Use Management Plan For the Commons of the Namaqualand Uplands
Collaborate with partners to develop and implement an integrated land use management plan for the area. Collect and analyze biological and social data, and select and operationalize a pilot site to test different land use options. Feed these data and pilot site results into the integrated land use management plan that will be implemented by the Kamiesberg Municipality.
Building Stewardship Capacity in the Bokkeveld
Pursue stewardship as a conservation method in the Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld geographic priority area, and share lessons learned about appropriate stewardship models with relevant agencies and stakeholders.. In the Bokkeveld, work with six landowners to prepare stewardship agreements that will ensure appropriate conservation management, farming methodologies, and grazing practices on approximately 6,000 hectares. In the Hantam and Roggeveld, identify and analyze stewardship opportunities, in preparation for future stewardship agreements.
Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor Small Grants Fund
Promote private sector and community involvement in conservation in the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor via a small grants program that will support innovative, high-priority biodiversity actions within the corridor.
The Gouritz Initiative: Securing Biodiversity and Harnessing Social and Economic Opportunities in Key Corridors
Establish a functional project management mechanism for the Gouritz Initiative that is fully integrated with CapeNature and larger stakeholder and government structures. Conduct priority actions in the megareserve, including implementing CapeNature’s land consolidation/stewardship strategy in four key corridors. Promote private sector initiatives that complement biodiversity conservation, and secure long-term funding.
Promoting and Supporting Conservation Action in the Sperrgebiet Priority Area and Namibia’s Succulent Karoo Ecosystem
Coordinate the SKEP program in Namibia. Establish a functional project management mechanism and develop an implementation plan. Support the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to plan and implement activities in the Sperrgebiet National Park and the immediate buffer zones. Support civil society to implement priority conservation actions via a small grants facility. Develop and promote best practice guidelines in the Namibian portion of the Succulent Karoo, and share these more widely throughout the entire hotspot.
A Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Succulent Karoo Biodiversity Resource and Conservation Center with Satellite Information Centers
Investigate the feasibility of establishing a biodiversity resource center for the Succulent Karoo Hotspot that would contain pertinent literature, data and other resources for use by stakeholders such as conservation organizations, local government, and landowners, as well as the general public.
Planning the Knersvlakte Biodiversity Corridor
Conduct a stakeholder consultation workshop that will develop a a Management and Business Plan for the Knersvlakte Biodiversity Corridor, that will support future implementation of activities over the next three years.
Bushmanland Conservation Initiative (BCI) Preparation Phase
Establish a multi-owned protected area through a variety of innovative interventions and mechanisms that draw in local landowners. The protected area will achieve the SKEP conservation targets for this geographic priority area (60,000 ha), and will be nested within a multi-use landscape. This project will develop local conservation management capacity through training of local community members as conservators within the project management team.