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Southern Mesoamerica
Strategic Direction 4.  Support improved management of key protected areas
Development of a Strategy to Foster Financial Sustainability of the Rio San Juan Biosphere Reserve in Nicaragua
Achieve sustainability of current and future conservation investments and management actions by producing designs and proposals to foster sustainable financing in the biosphere reserve. The project will produce an overall sustainable financing strategy for the reserve.
Amount $8,000
Grant Term 1/07-6/07
Grantee Fundación Amigos del Río San Juan
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Developing an Action Plan to Prevent Environmental Degradation Caused by Migration in Cerro Silva and Punta Gorda Reserves
Stem the negative impacts of human migration in Southeast Nicaragua by gathering baseline data on its causes and growth rates, identifying areas of high vulnerability, proposing actions as a response, and encouraging local coordination by stakeholders on the topic.
Amount $16,000
Grant Term 1/07-7/07
Grantee Universidades de las Regiones de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense
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Strengthening Protection Along the Costa Rica–Panama Border of the La Amistad International Park
Strengthen local capacity to patrol the Pacific sector of the border region of La Amistad International Park through support for coordination meetings of the park service of both countries and local communities, operations and equipment, and training of local community guards.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 1/07-6/07
Grantee Fundación Agroecológica Cotobruseña
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Prevention and Control of Forest Fires in the Buffer Zone of the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve of the Pacific Sector, Panama
Build local capacity to prevent and control fires by organizing and training local fire brigades, disseminating public education materials, and patrolling vulnerable areas. 
Amount $19,800
Grant Term 9/06-6/07
Grantee Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral del Corregimiento de Cerro Punta
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Proposal to Declare the Wetlands of the Maquenque National Refuge a RAMSAR Site
Set the foundation for the declaration of Maquenque Wildlife Refugee as a Ramsar site. The grant supports field and threats assessments, water quality analysis, and presentation of a proposal for Ramsar designation.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 9/06-11/07
Grantee Centro Científico Tropical
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Implementing the Indio Maiz Biological Reserve Management Plan
Support a series of protected areas management activities to strengthen conservation in CEPF’s core investment area. Activities include community outreach and capacity building; institutional coordination between government, community, and nongovernmental groups; and enhancing sustainable development in buffer zones.
Amount $288,632
Grant Term 6/06-12/07
Grantee Fundación Amigos del Río San Juan
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Building Environmental Capacity in the No Kribo Region of the Ngobe Bugle Indigenous Reserve
Increase the capacity of the Ngobe Bugle indigenous people to manage their reserve in the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve for biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management.  The grant funds the establishment of an environmental commission in the Regional Kribo Congress, capacity building of key stakeholders and local communities, and establishment and legalization of a biological corridor.
Amount $95,000
Grant Term 3/06-11/07
Grantee Asociación de Profesionales y Técnicos Ngöbe Bugle
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, May 2006: Renewed Support for Ngöbe-Bugle and La Amistad
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Institutional Strengthening of the Rama Indigenous People for Territorial Demarcation and Sustainable Development
Build local capacity and provide the legal and management tools to the Rama indigenous people to gain legal recognition of their territory and to conserve their natural resources.  The grant funds participatory needs assessments and resource use maps, a protection and control program, training in development and management of community projects, and monitoring and evaluation.
Amount $139,840
Grant Term 2/06-5/07
Grantee Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense
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Consolidation of CEPF’s Protected Areas and Conservation Corridor Portfolio in Mesoamerica
Provide technical assistance to partners to help achieve CEPF’s protected areas objectives in Mesoamerica. Assist partners in the declaration of new protected areas in Northern Mesoamerica, development of improved capacity for fire management and control of illegal timber and wildlife harvesting, and strengthening of existing protected areas.
Amount $75,000
Grant Term 12/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering Northern and Southern Mesoamerica; the total grant amount is $237,360.
Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Southeastern Nicaragua with Participation from Local Communities (Phase II)
Promote community-based conservation and sustainable development north of the Indio Maiz Ecologic Reserve in Nicaragua by supporting activities to implement eight local environmental action plans; conduct environmental education; fund organizational development and training of community groups and leaders; disseminate information on protected areas and indigenous rights laws, and monitor environmental trends.
Amount $157,600
Grant Term 10/05-10/07
Grantee Asociación de Desarrollo y Promoción Humana de la Costa Atlántica
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Support to the Volunteer Park Guards of Mahogany Ecological Wetlands Park, Nicaragua
As a second phase of an earlier CEPF project, provide equipment and infrastructure to a volunteer group of community park guards to patrol and protect the Mahogany Ecological Wetlands.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 5/05-9/05
Grantee Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 23 KB)
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Institutional Support to the Osa Conservation Area
Support efforts to manage two protected areas on the Osa Peninsula in the Osa Conservation Area, participate in fund raising under the Osa Campaign, and review internal administrative structures.
Amount $18,933
Grant Term 4/05-8/05
Grantee Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 38 KB)
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Mitigating Environmental Threats to La Amistad International Park (Costa Rica) by Strengthening Park Protection
Complement efforts by the Costa Rican park service to mitigate threats from forest fires and hunting in critical sectors of La Amistad International Park. Build local capacity for fire control and prevention, establish community park protection committees in indigenous and non-indigenous areas, and monitor key threats in the park.
Amount $159,656
Grant Term 4/05-7/07
Grantee Fundación de Parques Nacionales
Related News and Products - InFocus, February 2007: Key to Park Protection Involves Good Neighbors
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Community Consultation and Institutional Strengthening for the Sustainable Management of the Rama Indigenous Territory Protected Area
Conduct a series of consultations involving Rama indigenous people, government officials in Bluefields and Managua, and other donors to coordinate actions for demarcating and managing Rama territories. Grant also supports strengthening the newly formed governing council of Rama communities.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 2/05-4/05
Grantee Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaraguense, Recinto de Bluefields-Raas
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
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Conserving Biodiversity in Damani Wetlands Reserve, Ngobe Buglé Indigenous Territory
Increase local capacity to manage the Damani Wetlands Reserve, a 24,000-hectare area located within the Ngobe-Bugle indigenous territory along Panama’s Caribbean coast. The grant supports the collection of baseline biological and resource use data, development of a zoning scheme, establishment of a community group of park guards, and increased environmental awareness within the Ngobe- Bugle territory of the importance of the wetlands.
Amount $79,548
Grant Term 10/04-12/06
Grantee Centro de Estudios y Acción Social Panameño
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 43 KB)
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Environmental and Economic Needs Assessment to Conserve the Caño Negro Wetlands of the Kukra River, Nicaragua
Conduct a needs assessment for the network of Caño Negro Wetlands in close consultation with local communities to understand the ecological, environmental and socioeconomic dynamics of the wetlands and formulate recommendations for conservation action.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 12/03-4/04
Grantee Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, August 2004: Needs Assessment Report in From Caño Negro Wetlands in Nicaragua
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Support to Civil Society for the Protection of Volcan Baru National Park, Panama
Support a coalition of local organizations in efforts to conserve the Volcan Baru National Park through public outreach on the park’s biodiversity (includes a study tour for journalists, publication of materials and local meetings), and technical and legal assistance to maintain the area’s legal protection status.
Amount $19,945
Grant Term 12/03-8/06
Grantee Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, September 2004: Civil Society Efforts Help Safeguard Volcán Barú
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Park Guard Capacity Building - Mahogany Wetlands Intermunicipal Ecological Park, Nicaragua
Equip and train the Community Park Association of Mahogany Wetlands to control illegal hunting and fishing, logging, agricultural encroachment and forest fires. Grant provides basic equipment and infrastructure for conducting patrolling and environmental education.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/03-5/04
Grantee Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
Related News and Products - From Rainforest Alliance's Eco-Exchange, February-March 2004: Farming Families in Southeast Nicaragua to Benefit From Training, Tourism Promotion
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Structure and Composition of a Fragmented Forest Landscape: A Tool for Strategy Design for Biodiversity Conservation
Generate baseline forest cover data and maps geared toward designing the San Juan - La Selva Corridor. The grant will produce a characterization of primary forest in the corridor and present scenarios at a landscape scale identifying critical sites for conservation and forest restoration.
Amount $6,917
Grant Term 10/03-1/04
Grantee Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
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Establishing Maquenque National Park to Achieve Connectivity Within the Cerro-Silva-La Selva Biological Corridor
Establish the Maquenque National Park as a means of achieving connectivity between Indio Maiz Biological Reserve in Nicaragua and the Central Volcanic Range in Costa Rica to total 1.2 million ha. of contiguous area under protection. Activities include a land tenure study, preparation of a management plan, a public outreach campaign and a fund raising strategy for park management.
Amount $212,000
Grant Term 8/03-7/06
Grantee Centro Científico Tropical
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, July 2005: New Wildlife Refuge a “Laboratory for Sustainable Development”
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Preparation of the Management Plan for the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve
Prepare a management plan for the Indo Maiz Biological Reserve in Southeastern Nicaragua. The management plan will be developed through a series of meetings with communities to develop actions and guidelines for managing the reserve, including a zoning plan.
Amount $103,145
Grant Term 6/03-11/06
Grantee Fundación Amigos del Río San Juan
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 37 KB)
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Plan for Control and Protection for the Corcovado and Piedras Blancas National Parks and Their Surrounding Areas
Coordinate with the government ministries of environment and security to conduct patrols of the Corcovado and Piedra Blancas national parks to reduce the incidence of illegal hunting, logging and fishing. Under this arrangement, CEPF will cover operating costs to conduct the park patrols, while the ministries will provide personnel and equipment.
Amount $71,247
Grant Term 4/03-6/05
Grantee Fundación Corcovado Lon Willing Ramsey Jr.
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, November 2003: Patrols Protect Corcovado and Piedras Blanca National Parks
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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro