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Southern Mesoamerica
Strategic Direction 2.  Connect critical areas through economic alternatives
Establishing the Biological Boundaries of the Osa Biological Corridor through Data Compilation and Analysis - Phase II
Conduct biological studies and analysis to define the boundaries of the Osa Biological Corridor, which links the national parks of Corcovado and Piedras Blancas on the Osa Peninsula.  Activities include biological studies on plants, mammals, and pollen dispersion; compilation and systemization of existing data; and definition and formal adoption of biologically based boundaries of the corridor.
Amount $100,000
Grant Term 6/05-9/07
Grantee Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
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Equator Ventures
Support the pilot phase of Equator Ventures, a partnership initiative with UNDP's Equator Initiative. Implement loan and technical assistance packages to small- to medium-sized enterprises benefiting biodiversity and local communities, and monitor biodiversity results.
Amount $11,109
Grant Term 6/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering eight hotspots; the total grant amount is $99,986.
Related News and Products - Equator Ventures Web site
Sustainable Alternatives and Environmental Restoration and Protection of the Three Hills Quetzal Biological Corridor
Strengthen capacity of the Tres Colinas community, which is strategically located in the La Amistad corridor, to ameliorate threats to biodiversity.  This grant supports the local “Natural Resource Vigilance Committee” to reduce forest fires and hunting inside the park, reforestation and organic fertilizer production, and research on flora and fauna.
Amount $15,742
Grant Term 3/05-10/07
Grantee Asociación de Turismo de Tres Colinas
Infrastructure Integration and Biodiversity Conservation in Mesoamerica
Integrate conservation concerns into the planning of major infrastructure projects throughout Mesoamerica by bringing together NGOs and government agencies for capacity building and analysis of proposed projects. This grant supports an inventory of proposed major energy and transportation projects, their ranking according to economic and environmental criteria, a conservation economics and policy course, and three to five policy analyses of priority projects.
Amount $75,000
Grant Term 10/04-3/07
Grantee Conservation Strategy Fund
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Conserving the Forests of La Amistad International Park through the Promotion of Traditional Medicine in Three Communities of Naso Ethnicity
Maintain traditional knowledge on the cultivation and use of medicinal plants within Naso indigenous communities located in the buffer zone of La Amistad International Park as a means of offering an incentive to maintain forest cover. The grant supports the establishment of three village training and storage facilities, development of medicinal gardens, and training of Naso youth by Shamans.
Amount $19,364
Grant Term 10/04-7/05
Grantee Asociación de Practicantes de Medicina Tradicional Naso
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 97 KB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index 
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Preventing Agricultural Encroachment Into Indo Maíz Biological Reserve and Cerro Silva Nature Reserve Through the Introduction of Sustainable Agriculture in Their Buffer Zones
Promote sustainable agriculture and agroforestry to reduce deforestation and promote connectivity between forest fragments in the northern frontier region of the Indo Maiz Reserve, which is threatened by agricultural encroachment. Specifically, the project will promote improved resource management on select farms and the adoption of best practices in sustainable and organic agriculture on 500 farms.
Amount $72,549
Grant Term 6/04-8/07
Grantee Sano y Salvo
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Promoting Connectivity in the Talamanca-Caribbean Biological Corridor for Biodiversity Conservation
Increase connectivity between forest fragments along the buffer zone of the Caribbean coast of La Amistad International Park through support to channel payments for environmental services to conserve forest fragments, restore degraded areas, promote community-based tourism and strengthen community participation in patrolling and biological monitoring.
Amount $99,727
Grant Term 6/04-5/06
Grantee Asociación de Organizaciones del Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 60 KB)
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Establishing the Biological Boundaries of the Osa Biological Corridor through Data Compilation and Analysis
Analyze biological information to establish a biological baseline for future ecological monitoring and identify priorities for future research.
Amount $15,752
Grant Term 4/04-10/04
Grantee Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 42 KB)
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Promoting Traditional Conservation Practices in the Cabecares Indigenous Communities of Bajo Chirripo and Nairi Awari, La Amistad Biosphere Reserve
Conserve the indigenous territories of Bajo Chirripo and Nairi Awari by fostering the adoption of traditional resource management practices. The grant supports the development of a strategy for conservation and ancestral resource management, capacity building within indigenous communities and recuperation of ecosystems and threatened species.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 4/04-2/06
Grantee Asociación IXACAVAA de Desarrollo e Información Indígena
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 2.59 MB)
- Related report - Conservación y conocimiento tradicional en Bajo Chirripó, Español (PDF, 717 KB) 
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
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Pilot Project for Local Participatory Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Buffer Zone of Indio Maíz Biological Reserve
Build local capacity to develop environmental management plans for five communities in the northern buffer zone of the Indio Maíz-Punta Gorda reserve complex. Deliver technical assistance in biodiversity and natural resources inventory and analysis, facilitate local planning processes of management plans and disseminate results, provide training in organizational development and conservation and assist local participation in higher levels of planning and partnership building.
Amount $89,950
Grant Term 3/04-8/05
Grantee Asociación de Desarrollo y Promoción Humana de la Costa Atlántica
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
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Mitigating Threats to the Bi-National Region of La Amistad International Park Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture
Foster connectivity along the Costa Rica – Panamanian border region of La Amistad International Park through the protection of forest fragments and sustainable economic activities. Specific activities include identifying and protecting forest fragments, ecological restoration and agroforestry, environmental education and improved coordination among local organizations.
Amount $101,500
Grant Term 2/04-12/05
Grantee Fundación Agroecológica Cotobruseña
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 45 KB)
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Ecotourism Development in the Inter-Municipal Park of the Mahogany Wetlands in Rama-Bluefields, Nicaragua
Support the development of ecotourism for communities living in the buffer zone of Mahogany Wetlands as part of a broader development program for the area. Specific activities include undertaking an environmental education program, biological assessments and development of tourism infrastructure, training and marketing.
Amount $69,765
Grant Term 1/04-2/07
Grantee Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 33 KB)
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Arresting Agricultural Encroachment into La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture in the Buffer Zone
Reduce agricultural encroachment into La Amistad International Park through stabilization of the agriculture frontier along the Pacific boundary in Panama. Project supports technical assistance to farmers to disseminate best practices in sustainable agriculture and resource management, environmental education, organizational strengthening of local environmental organizations and a monitoring program to systematize performance information and lessons learned.
Amount $190,000
Grant Term 1/04-5/07
Grantee Fundación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Panamá
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 78 KB)
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Promoting Sustainable Development in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Ecotourism in the Naso Indigenous Community Territory
Promote the sustainable management of the Naso Indigenous Territory in the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve by promoting ecotourism and environmental education. The grant finances infrastructure improvement, marketing of services, and development of a business plan.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 12/03-10/04
Grantee Organización para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Pueblo Naso
Related News and Products - In Focus, April 2004: Expanding Ecotourism Opportunities for the Naso People of Northern Panama
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Natural Resource Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Areas of Palo Seco Reserve - Chiriqui Grande, Panama
Support ecological restoration in the Palo Seco Forest Reserve and its buffer zone following the construction of the Punta Peña Almirante road, through activities in reforestation, use of organic fertilizer and cleaner agricultural production systems.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/03-7/04
Grantee Asociación Comercial y Agropecuaria de Chiriquì Grande
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 22 KB)
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Promoting Biological Connectivity in the Osa Peninsula Through Sustainable Agriculture
Promote appropriate land-use regimes that contribute to maintaining connectivity in the Osa Biological Corridor. Working with local farmers in support of sustainable development projects in agriculture, ecotourism, reforestation, and biogas, this grant aims to increase forest under protection and restore degraded land, as well as to disseminate project techniques and lessons to new communities.
Amount $207,759
Grant Term 9/03-3/07
Grantee Fundación Neotropica
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 78 KB)
Related News and Products - From Rainforest Alliance's Eco-Exchange, February-March 2004: Conservation Corridor Challenge: Winning Farmers’ Support in Biologically Important Costa Rican Peninsula
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
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Promoting Conservation Coffee in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve
Promote conservation coffee within 23 communities located in the buffer zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve as a means of reducing pressure on the park and promoting connectivity. Activities include assisting farmers in growing conservation coffee, promoting environmental education and building capacity of community groups and government agencies.
Amount $198,867
Grant Term 7/03-12/06
Grantee Centro Científico Tropical
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2004: Environmentally Friendly Coffee Reaps Benefits for Mesoamerican Communities
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro