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Southern Mesoamerica
Strategic Direction 1.  Strengthen key conservation alliances and networks within integral corridors
Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Species and Key Biodiversity Areas in Panama
Contribute to the identification of globally significant sites for biodiversity by collecting data on various aspects of species conservation, in partnership with the project “Refining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes in Northern and Southern Mesoamerica.” This information will support the development of site-based conservation strategies for the Mesoamerica Hotspot.
Amount $11,593
Grant Term 11/06-5/07
Grantee Sociedad Audubon de Panamá
NGO Capacity Building for the Sustainable Development of Southeast Nicaragua
Support two workshops for local nongovernmental organizations and other stakeholders to provide training on key concepts in project formulation and management, and explore the potential social, environmental, and economic impacts of proposed African Palm plantations in Southeast Nicaragua on the region’s six protected areas.
Amount $6,000
Grant Term 11/06-1/07
Grantee Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Species and Key Biodiversity Areas in Costa Rica
Contribute to the identification of globally significant sites for biodiversity by collecting data on various aspects of species conservation, in partnership with the CEPF-supported project "Refining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes in Northern and Southern Mesoamerica." This information will be used to support the development of site-based conservation strategies for the hotspot.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/06-8/07
Grantee Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
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Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Species and Key Biodiversity Areas in Nicaragua
Contribute to the identification of globally significant sites for biodiversity in Nicaragua by collecting data on various aspects of species conservation, in partnership with the grant, “Refining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes in Northern and Southern Mesoamerica.” This information will support the development of site-based conservation strategies for Nicaragua and the Mesoamerica Hotspot.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/06-8/07
Grantee Fundación Nicaragüense para la Conservación
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Dissemination of the Final Report from the GRUAS II Conservation Zoning Exercise in Costa Rica
Disseminate final report of the GRUAS II process in Costa Rica, which supported a highly participatory, national-level conservation zoning exercise to better direct conservation efforts in protected areas, conservation corridors, and private lands.
Amount $15,300
Grant Term 9/06-9/07
Grantee Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad
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Exchanging CEPF Grantee Experience and Lessons Learned in Protected Areas Management in Southern Mesoamerica at the Mesoamerican Protected Areas Congress
Support CEPF grantee participation in Mesoamerica’s premier protected areas conference. Grantees will exchange their lessons learned from implementing conservation projects and improve their coordination, as well as disseminate information about CEPF and its conservation priorities to key conservation actors in the region.
Amount $16,654
Grant Term 2/06-6/06
Grantee Conservation International
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Promoting Sustainable Development in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve Through Ecotourism in the Naso Indigenous Community Territory – Phase II
Encourage the sustainable use of forests in the buffer zone of La Amistad International Park in Panama by assisting this indigenous group to grow an ecotourism business through improved marketing, business planning, and infrastructure development.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 11/05-12/06
Grantee Organización para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Pueblo Naso
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 31 KB)
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Defining and Monitoring Conservation Outcomes in Northern and Southern Mesoamerica
Establish a network of partners throughout Mesoamerica in order to define and monitor conservation outcomes and indicators for species conservation, protected areas, and corridors throughout the Mesoamerica hotspot. Build regional capacity for conservation monitoring, disseminate conservation information and findings, and establish a fundraising strategy for sustainability.
Amount $162,324
Grant Term 9/05-6/08
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering both Northern and Southern Mesoamerica; the total grant amount is $324,647.
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Strengthening Community Park Guards and Increasing Institutional Coordination in the Cerro Silva-Indio Maíz Corridor of Nicaragua
Support an association of leading institutions working in southeast Nicaragua to improve coordination of conservation and development initiatives in the region. Also, provide basic equipment, infrastructure, and training to community volunteers who patrol the Cano Negro wetlands, which is a RAMSAR site.
Amount $15,000
Grant Term 8/05-3/06
Grantee Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 453 KB)
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Capacity Building for Local Management of the Naso-Teribe Region
Increase the capacity of members of the Naso indigenous community, which is located in the buffer zone of La Amistad – Panama, to identify the potential impacts of a dam proposed in their territory.  Grant supports the collection and analysis of baseline data, and dissemination of the findings.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 3/05-8/05
Grantee Alianza para la Conservación y el Desarrollo
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
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Consolidation of the Protected Area System of Costa Rica
Support initial studies and initiatives that will help Costa Rica consolidate its protected areas system in an administrative, economic and legal sense. The grant supports 11 activities, including studies for improving protected areas’ administration, options for cost recovery within individual parks, land-use planning for conservation, designing corridors and building human resources for parks management.
Amount $55,000
Grant Term 8/04-7/05
Grantee The Leatherback Trust
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
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- Massive Effort Underway in Costa Rica to Save a Leading Source of Income: the Country’s Famed National Park System, Eco-Exchange, July 2006 (Español)
Promoting Conservation for Regional Development and Unification: Scientific Research, Biological Monitoring and Capacity Building for Improved Management of Protected Areas
Support organization of the First Mesoamerican Congress on Protected Areas and fund the participation of key regional experts. Congress participants will develop a joint position paper on protected areas for presentation at the World Parks Congress, revise the Central American Convention on Biodiversity and Protected Areas and elaborate a document on the current state of Mesoamerican protected areas.
Amount $17,714
Grant Term 3/03-5/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
Related News and Products - Apoyo al Sistema de Gestión de Información sobre la Biodiversidad (PDF)
Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in the Northern and Southern Mesoamerican Hotspot
Participate in the preparation of a CEPF ecosystem profile for northern Mesoamerica by providing data and other information regarding indigenous communities and their land-use practices. Conduct exploratory work in southern Mesoamerica to determine the best opportunities for linking indigenous communities with the conservation community with the aim of realizing collaborative projects in key areas within the priority areas.
Amount $90,000
Grant Term 12/02-9/03
Grantee Environmental Law Institute
The original grantee has been changed from the Center for the Support of Native Lands.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 26 KB)
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- CEPF Ecosystem Profile for Southern Mesoamerica
Supporting the Integration of Civil Society into Conservation and Development Decision-Making Processes at the Regional Level
Support the integration and participation of civil society in the decision-making processes for conservation and development addressed in the regional forums convened by the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, the Plan Puebla Panamá (PPP) and the Central American Commission on Environment and Development. Conduct studies to determine priorities for conservation and to determine potential impacts of projects proposed by the PPP.
Amount $143,885
Grant Term 7/02-9/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 51 KB)
Building the Southern Mesoamerican Conservation Corridor
As the Coordinating Unit for CEPF, provide applicants with technical assistance to strengthen their project designs and develop logical frameworks to submit viable grant applications and assist grantees in their efforts to monitor project performance. The Coordination Unit will facilitate partnerships with other organizations, governmental agencies and other donors to develop the agenda for regional conservation.
Amount $1,254,055
Grant Term 7/02-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Preparing Southern Mesoamerica's Nongovernmental Organizations for CEPF Projects
Conduct a series of workshops to provide guidance to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society groups on the CEPF application process and investment strategy for Southern Mesoamerica.
Amount $24,083
Grant Term 3/02-4/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 18 KB)
Related News and Products - Profile, April 2004: Luis Murillo: The Quintessential Partner
- From CEPF E-News, October 2003: Building Capacity Key Part of Grant Process
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro