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Northern Mesoamerica
Strategic Direction 3.  Support priority conservation actions in three priority key biodiversity areas
Implementing Strategies for Inter-Institutional Coordination and Local Participation to Conserve the Selva Zoque Key Biodiversity Area
Strengthen basic management capacity and create new protected areas in one of Northern Mesoamerica's highest-ranked key biodiversity areas. This grant funds improved stakeholder cooperation across state levels, declaration of new protected areas, management of forest fires, conservation of six globally threatened species, and financial sustainability of project results.
Amount $400,000
Grant Term 1/07-3/09
Grantee Pronatura Chiapas, A.C.
Improving Management in the Core Areas of the Chiquibul/Maya Mountains
Create and maintain basic management capacity in one of Northern Mesoamerica’s most intact yet increasingly threatened key biodiversity areas (KBAs). Strengthen management of Chiquibul National Park and Bladen Nature Reserve, and develop a KBA-wide conservation strategy in environmental education and improved binational cooperation.
Amount $369,805
Grant Term 9/06-12/08
Grantee Friends for Conservation and Development
Developing an Integrated Strategy and Project Plan to Conserve the Chiquibul/ Maya Mountain Key Biodiversity Area in Belize
Support a consultative planning process to develop a joint proposal for CEPF and PACT funding.  Key activities include a needs assessment forum with key stakeholders, initiatiation of exchange visits between Belizean and Guatemalan environmentalists, and development of a communication system for creating an alliance of protected area managers in the region.
Amount $10,321
Grant Term 10/05-4/06
Grantee Friends for Conservation and Development
Project Documents - Final report / Appendix (PDF)
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Sustainable Financing of Biodiversity Conservation in Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve through the Establishment of Motagua/Polochic Water Fund
Establish a fund to enable downstream water users in the Motagua Polochic watershed to support conservation activities in the upper watershed where the Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve is located. Key outputs include strengthening capacity of local conservation committees.
Amount $364,618
Grant Term 9/05-12/07
Grantee Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
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Bladen Nature Reserve Protection Program
Fund park guards to patrol Bladen Nature Reserve on behalf of four local groups that manage the protected area to reduce pressures from illegal hunting and logging as a result of new road clearings and colonization near the area.
Amount $19,932
Grant Term 8/05-9/06
Grantee Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 823 KB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
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Implementation of a Special Protection System Based on Strategic Alliances with Civil Society and Organizations in the Eastern Sector of Laguna del Tigre National Park and Its Surrounding Biological Corridor
Protect core areas of Laguna del Tigre from forest fires and new colonization during the upcoming dry season.  This grant complements efforts by the Government of Guatemala through support to local civil society for forest fire prevention and control, park patrolling, and biological monitoring.
Amount $243,093
Grant Term 3/05-5/07
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, May 2005: Fires Sweep Guatemalan Protected Area
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Needs Assessment for Conserving the Key Biodiversity Areas of Laguna del Tigre National Park and Chiquibul-Montañas Mayas
Conduct conservation assessments of Laguna del Tigre and Chiquibul-Montanas Mayas using Parkswatch’s standard evaluation methodology. Provide detailed information on threats, stakeholders, management capacity, data gaps and conservation status of biodiversity in these areas for the purposes of planning and monitoring CEPF’s portfolio and other donor investments in these rapidly changing regions.
Amount $37,524
Grant Term 9/04-6/05
Grantee Asociación Trópico Verde / ParksWatch Guatemala
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF)
Updating the Master Plan for Laguna del Tigre National Park: Definition of a New Model for Internal Zoning
Update the management plan for Laguna Del Tigre National Park in Guatemala to put the park on a stronger path toward conservation. Building on renewed government commitment to the park and working through an alliance of local groups and the Guatemalan park service, update the park’s zoning plan, develop an administrative structure built on co-management with Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas and local groups, and prepare an investment plan.
Amount $40,000
Grant Term 9/04-3/06
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 35 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, May 2005: Fires Sweep Guatemalan Protected Area
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index 
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro