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Northern Mesoamerica
Strategic Direction 2.  Collaborate with other donor-funded projects to facilitate and operationalize successful conservation activities in Northern Mesoamerica’s eight most important key biodiversity areas
Support to the Guatemala Gap Analysis Process Under the Convention on Biological Diversity
Support the development and dissemination of a financial sustainability plan for the protected areas system as part of a broader effort to fulfill the government of Guatemala’s commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Amount $39,098
Grant Term 10/06-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Preparing a Bi-National Guatemalan – Mexican Action Plan to Conserve the Biological Corridor between Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and Mirador - Rio Azul National Park
Promote dialogue and achieve consensus within Guatemala and between Mexican stakeholders on priorities for managing a bi-national biological corridor in a core region of the Selva Maya. 
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 9/06-6/07
Grantee Asociación Balam para la Conservación de los Recursos Naturales y Culturales Integrados
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XXVIII International Course for Protected Areas: Buffer Zones and Biological Corridors for Ecosystem Management of Landscapes
Support training of five participants from organizations working to conserve key biodiversity areas in Northern Mesoamerica. Training involves intensive coursework and practical field work in various planning and implementation topics related to protected areas management. 
Amount $17,500
Grant Term 7/06-5/07
Grantee Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Exchanging CEPF Grantee Experience and Lessons Learned in Protected Areas Management in Northern Mesoamerica at the Mesoamerican Protected Areas Congress II
Support CEPF grantee participation in Mesoamerica’s premier protected areas conference. Grantees will exchange lessons learned from implementing conservation projects and improve their coordination, as well as disseminate information about CEPF and its conservation priorities to key conservation actors in the region.
Amount $19,600
Grant Term 2/06-6/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report, Español (PDF, 55 KB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index 
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Consolidation of CEPF’s Protected Areas and Conservation Corridor Portfolio in Mesoamerica
Provide technical assistance to partners to help achieve CEPF’s protected areas objectives in Mesoamerica. Assist partners in the declaration of new protected areas in Northern Mesoamerica, development of improved capacity for fire management and control of illegal timber and wildlife harvesting, and strengthening of existing protected areas.
Amount $162,360
Grant Term 12/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering Northern and Southern Mesoamerica; the total grant amount is $237,360.
Establishment and Initial Management Support for Three New Protected Areas in Cuchumatanes Key Biodiversity Area in Guatemala
Build a foundation for declaring three new protected areas by preparing technical and management studies, drafting legal language for protection designation, and initiating management activities in close collaboration with community groups.
Amount $90,500
Grant Term 11/05-2/07
Grantee Fundación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, June 2006: Six New Protected Areas for Mesoamerica Hotspot
Identifying Important Bird Areas in Belize and Guatemala
Support local nongovernmental organizations to identify Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Belize and Guatemala for threatened, endemic, and congregatory birds. The information will be incorporated into the refinement of boundaries and prioritization for key biodiversity areas in Northern Mesoamerica.
Amount $19,900
Grant Term 11/05-9/06
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 2 MB)
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index
Baird’s Tapir Conservation Workshop
Support the development of Mesoamerica’s first conservation strategy for the Endangered Baird’s tapir by funding a workshop of experts and the printing and dissemination of the strategy.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 7/05-12/05
Grantee The Houston Zoo, Inc.
This is a multiregional grant covering Northern and Southern Mesoamerica; the total grant amount is $10,000.
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Fostering Stakeholder Coordination in the Selva Maya through Ecoregional Planning and Alliance Building
Support the ecoregional planning process for the Selva Maya Corridor by engaging leading environmental groups and government agencies throughout the region in joint planning and coordination of conservation objectives and actions. The grant supports technical studies, publication of the plan and findings, information dissemination, and government adoption of key recommendations.
Amount $106,600
Grant Term 6/05-10/06
Grantee The Nature Conservancy
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 758 KB)
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Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learned in Mesoamerica via the Eco-Index
Provide detailed information in English and Spanish on conservation projects and issues throughout Mesoamerica as the second phase of support to this online database. Activities include the entry and annual updating on the site of all CEPF-supported projects in Mesoamerica, creation of Web sites for partner organizations without existing sites, and organizing a stakeholder workshop in Southern Mesoamerica.
Amount $49,769
Grant Term 5/05-5/07
Grantee Rainforest Alliance
This is a multiregional project covering Northern and Southern Mesoamerica; the total grant amount is $130,221.
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
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Raising Awareness of Conservation of the Natural Ecosystems of Manatees (Trichechus manatus) through Environmental Monitoring in Local Communities
Launch a conservation project in the San San River and wetland to protect one of the largest populations of manatees in Panama. The grant will fund water quality analysis to identify pollutants and their sources, placement of signs in priority sites, and a public education campaign to increase awareness of manatee protection.
Amount $6,667
Grant Term 11/04-4/07
Grantee Asociación de Amigos y Vecinos de la Costa y la Naturaleza
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Infrastructure Integration and Biodiversity Conservation in Mesoamerica
Integrate conservation concerns into the planning of major infrastructure projects throughout Mesoamerica by bringing together NGOs and government agencies for capacity building and analysis of proposed projects. This grant supports an inventory of proposed major energy and transportation projects, their ranking according to economic and environmental criteria, a conservation economics and policy course, and three to five policy analyses of priority projects.
Amount $235,286
Grant Term 10/04-3/07
Grantee Conservation Strategy Fund
Related News and Products - Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index
CEPF Coordination to Promote Development Policies, Investments, and Institutional Collaboration for Biodiversity Conservation in Northern Mesoamerica
Strengthen the capability of civil society to engage in all levels of decisionmaking regarding the future use and conservation of Northern Mesoamerica’s biodiversity. Specifically, the grant funds assistance to manage the CEPF program in the region; development and implementation of strategies to reform key policies; technical assistance to strengthen key protected areas; and development of mechanisms to prevent the extinction of the region’s 106 Critically Endangered species.
Amount $479,464
Grant Term 7/04-7/08
Grantee Conservation International
This project has been terminated.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro