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Mountains of Southwest China
Strategic Direction 5.  Develop and operationalize a small grants program focusing on conservation capacity-building and research projects
Mitigating Environmental and Social Consequences of Development in Southwest China
Establish a small grant-making and fund-raising mechanism to be managed by a consultative committee made up of civil society groups in Southwest China. The mechanism will contribute to more robust public discourse and greater participation in programs to mitigate the effects of unregulated large-scale infrastructure projects, natural resources exploitation projects, and regional mass tourism programs in important protected areas or critical river systems within the hotspot.
Amount $107,000
Grant Term 1/06-12/07
Grantee Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
Small Grants in Supporting Integration of Science and Culture: Tibetan Sacred Land Protection and Measuring Effective Conservation
Use the traditional establishment of sacred lands in areas dominated by Tibetan culture as a method for protecting biodiversity in Southwest China and improve biodiversity information for better definition and monitoring of conservation outcomes in that region. Small grants will be awarded for a variety of related actions to achieve these goals.  
Amount $200,000
Grant Term 12/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
Small Grants for Global Conservation of Amphibian Diversity Within Hotspots
Develop and implement the Amphibian Action Fund aimed at the long-term conservation of amphibian species, and their habitats, within biodiversity hotspots around the globe.  This fund will make available small grants of up to $10,000 to be awarded to individuals and groups working within the hotspots on targeted amphibian conservation activities.
Amount $33,000
Grant Term 7/05-6/08
Grantee Arizona State University
This is a multiregional project covering six hotspots; the total grant amount is $200,000.
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, July - September 2007: More Funds for Amphibian Protection
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Para aprender más sobre este proyecto, visite el Eco-Index 
- An interview with Robin Moore about this project: English / Español
Managing CEPF's Small Grants Fund to Safeguard Endangered Species and Habitats in Southwest China
Scale up and refine a small grants’ program to support projects that champion the causes for species conservation, capacity building and public education in the Mountains of Southwest China. This project aims to improve the status of 20 Endangered lesser-known species, build the capacity of at least 10 local institutions and publicize at least 75 percent of the projects being implemented by civil society.
Amount $296,000
Grant Term 11/04-6/07
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Green Law Clinic— Training Volunteers on Environmental Law
Provide legal assistance to the local communities and reserves while nurturing a group of law students to enhance their capacity and awareness of environmental law in Southwest China.
Amount $1,961
Grant Term 6/04-1/05
Grantee Green Law Institute for Action
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF)
Publishing Wildlife Trade Survey Report
Publish a wildlife trade survey report providing information on key endangered species, trade routes, market surveys and usage of the species for food and/or medicine and distribute 2000 copies of the report to regional governmental agencies, conservation organizations, nature reserves and nature magazines.
Amount $10,700
Grant Term 5/04-11/04
Grantee Zhao Yao
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Producing Educational Posters for National Key Protected Wild Animals of Sichuan Ganzi Tibetan Prefecture
Produce educational posters featuring the status of key endangered wild animals in Ganzi Prefecture that are protected under the state wildlife protection law. The posters will be produced in both Tibetan and Chinese Han languages and distributed to local villages and communities to help build awareness and support for conservation efforts. In recent years, poaching of these animals has become problematic in the prefecture due to increased demand for their parts in food and traditional medicine.
Amount $6,000
Grant Term 4/04-9/04
Grantee Peng Jitai
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF, 158 KB)
Mapping on Freshwater Fisheries in Southwest China
Produce data for maps of threatened freshwater fisheries in Southwest China; an overview of Chinese fisheries' management, law and policy; a summary report on U.S. aquatic wildlife conservation; and a report on Chinese fishery collections in the United States as director of the Research Program at the Fishery Environmental Monitoring Center in Beijing and a visiting scholar to the United States sponsored by the China Scholarship Council and the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science.
Amount $5,000
Grant Term 1/04-4/04
Grantee Fan Enyuan
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 127 KB)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro