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Mountains of Southwest China
Strategic Direction 3.  Build capacity of civil society to implement conservation efforts at a site and regional level
Monthly Conservation Forum among Chengdu-Kunming College Student Conservation Organizations
Promote the capacity building, information exchange, and cooperation among green student groups by establishing an effective communication mechanism both in Chengdu and Kunming in Southwest China.
Amount $10,230
Grant Term 4/05-7/06
Grantee Green Student Organizations Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 132 KB)
Related News and Products - Lesson Learned, December 2006
Outdoor Preliminary School Environment Education Program—“Happy Nature”
Cultivate conservation awareness and promote environmental education by establishing a sustainable internship mechanism in Chengdu in Southwest China.
Amount $16,446
Grant Term 4/05-6/07
Grantee Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Center
Legal Initiative for Resource Management and Livelihood Development for Jisha Village
Empower the local community, whose traditional livelihood and religious practices are heavily embedded in alpine pasture and forest, to prevent unsustainable construction of infrastructure for ecotourism development and increase the participatory management of natural resources in Jisha village, Yunnan province in southwest China.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 4/05-12/07
Grantee Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, April - June 2007: Jisha Village Sets First for Environmental Law in China
Establishing Ecotourism Guidelines for Nature Reserves in South Ganzi Prefecture
Conduct a market analysis of tourism in the Ganzi nature reserves in Southwest China in order to reduce the negative impacts of tourism development and increase the contributions to landscape protection and biodiversity conservation.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 3/05-7/06
Grantee Sichuan Wildlife Resource Survey and Conservation Management Station
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF, 330 KB)
Voice of Deqin – Dynamics in Environment and Society through Local Peoples' Eyes
Explore the impact of deforestation and tourism on biodiversity and traditional culture through native people’s eyes in the Tibetan area.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 9/04-8/07
Grantee Zeren Pingcuo
Capacity Building for Yunnan Shangri-la County Alpine Botanic Garden
Enhance management capacity of the botanic garden staff, develop management plan and provide training on plant education to staff as well as communities surrounding the botanic garden.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 9/04-12/06
Grantee Construction Planning Office of Shangri-la Alpine Botanic Garden
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 23 KB)
Building Conservation Alliance Through Coordinating CEPF in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot
Achieve a broad conservation alliance with active participation from civil society to demonstrate the ability to act together to secure major conservation outcomes.
Amount $898,345
Grant Term 8/04-2/08
Grantee Conservation International
Make a Difference in 10 Days: International Conference on Nature Reserve's Scientific Exchange and Capacity Building
Build linkages between conservation and science by sending a team of conservation professionals from Wanglang Nature Reserve to a Society of Conservation Biology meeting and to visit conservation institutions and sites in the United States. In addition to capacity building, this project will enable a Chinese nature reserve manager to attend an international conference for the first time.
Amount $19,960
Grant Term 7/04-8/04
Grantee Chen Youping
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF, 200 KB)
Promoting Bird Watching in Chengdu City
Promote bird watching and improve public awareness about biodiversity conservation in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. Activities include enabling a wide range of community participation in bird watching, organizing weekly bird watching, providing training to enhance the ability and awareness on bird protection, building up a bird watching-related Web site and compiling an electronic guide about Chengdu bird watching.
Amount $9,744
Grant Term 7/04-6/05
Grantee Green Student Organizations Society
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF)
Capacity Building for Newly Established Nature Reserves in the Mountains of Southwest China
Bring staff from more than 30 newly established nature reserves in Ganzi and Liangshan prefectures of Sichuan Province together for needs assessment and a series of professional trainings to help build their management capacity to conserve these natural assets.
Amount $202,858
Grant Term 3/04-1/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF, 233 KB)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, June 2004: Workshops Build Nature Reserve Capacity in China
Environmental Education on Wetland Biodiversity Conservation in Northwest Yunnan Province
Raise awareness among local communities about the plight of wetlands. The project includes an evaluation of environmental awareness among local people; development of an outreach program and materials for local communities on wetland conservation; training for local officials and village leaders on wetland protection; and conducting a project evaluation, sharing lessons learned and providing related recommendations.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 2/04-1/05
Grantee Yunnan Normal University
Project Documents - Final report, Chinese (PDF, 262 KB)
Related News and Products - Project Report, December 2004 (PDF)
Training for Green Journalists in Southwest China
Provide training for journalism students who are also conservation activists from Southwest China. This project aims to promote conservation among young/future environmental journalists; provide an opportunity to exchange and communicate experiences and lesson learned in practical work among them; enhance their capacity and knowledge in handling critical environmental issues; build a stronger network to disseminate conservation information and to be able to influence others such as university professors, local conservation groups, communities and government officials.
Amount $6,180
Grant Term 1/04-9/04
Grantee Green Student Organizations Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 164 KB)
A Strategy for the Threatened Birds of Asia
Produce a framework for bird conservation in Asia that will be a key document for biodiversity conservation in Asia for the next 10 years. Condense the vast source book Threatened Birds of Asia into a prospectus of about 150 pages and make it available to a large number of users as a book, CD-ROM and via the Internet.
Amount $80,981
Grant Term 5/02-4/04
Grantee BirdLife International
This is a multiregional project covering three hotspots; the total grant amount is $242,943.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, November 2003: Blueprint to Halt Asia's Bird Extinction Crisis
- Press Release, November 2003: BirdLife Launches Blueprint to Halt Asia's Bird Extinction Crisis - English / Japanese
- Special section on BirdLife Web site
- BirdLife publication poster (PDF) / BirdLife publication leaflet (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro