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Strategic Direction 5.  Biodiversity Action Fund
Assessing Five Years of CEPF Investment in Madagascar
Organize a workshop with CEPF grantees and other partners in the region to assess the results of CEPF investments and identify collective lessons learned. Results will include documented proceedings and lessons learned to help inform future investment decisions.
Amount $60,467
Grant Term 1/06-4/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 407 KB)
Support to Produce and Disseminate the Proceedings of the Eleventh Pan-African Ornithological Congress - PAOC XI (held in 2005).
Circulate the proceedings of the Congress, which was held in Tunisia in 2005, as a supplement to the BirdLife Journal Ostrich.  This event brought together more than 300 naturalists and scientists from African and other regions of the world involved in bird research and habitat conservation.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 1/06-6/07
Grantee BirdLife International
Emergency Intervention to Prevent Slash and Burn and to Ensure the Sustainability of the Income Generating for Conservation Program
Provide emergency bridging funds to support the local communities' involvement in the alternative, nature-based livelihood activities in the Vohimana corridor south of Mantadia National Park, reducing the threat of increasing the area under slash-and-burn agriculture.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/05-2/06
Grantee L'Homme et l'Environnement
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 30 KB)
Madagascar Small Grants Project
Involve local communities, organizations, and researchers in biodiversity conservation programs via allocation of small grants for biodiversity management, species conservation communication and information gathering. A complementary program of development of capacity for technical action, and project and financial management will also be implemented through regional partners.
Amount $538,435
Grant Term 1/04-12/06
Grantee Conservation International
A Marketing Pilot for Community-Based Tourism in Madagascar: Designing and Implementing a Pilot That Can be Replicated Countrywide
Support the marketing of community-based tourism in by building a Web site to market tourism in and by training and supporting a marketing officer from the Madagascar Expedition Agency, a Malagasy-owned tourism operator that would channel tourists to two local guides associations.
Amount $7,510
Grant Term 2/03-12/04
Grantee EcoAfrica Environmental Consultants
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Project Web site: www.tourmadagascar.com
First African Botanic Gardens Congress
Support participation of African delegates from the Cape Floristic Region, Guinean Forests of West Africa and Madagascar hotspots at the first African Botanic Gardens Conference in November 2002 in Durban, South Africa
Amount $3,000
Grant Term 11/02-3/03
Grantee Durban Botanic Gardens
This is a multiregional project covering three hotspots; the total grant amount is $11,250.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People: Linkages Between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health and Human Health
Cover travel and full participation costs for individuals from the Atlantic Forest, Chocó-Darién-Western Ecuador, Guinean Forests of West Africa, Madagascar, Philippines, and Tropical Andes hotspots to attend the Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People conference.
Amount $2,775
Grant Term 5/02-7/02
Grantee University of Western Ontario
This is a multiregional project covering six hotspots; the total grant amount is $27,200.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro