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Strategic Direction 3.  Biodiversity conservation and management training
Developing the Antsokay Arboretum as a Center for Biodiversity Study and Ecotourism in Southwest Madagascar
Create a unique facility for the scientific study, documentation, and biodiversity conservation of the flora of the Spiny Forest as well as to provide a model for the development of sustainable ecotourism in . Activities will include improving the herbarium, the living collection, and the scientific documentation associated with the flora of the Spiny Forest .
Amount $113,848
Grant Term 3/05-12/07
Grantee NGO Arboretum d'Antsokay
Core Support to WWF-Madagascar's Ecology Training Program
Provide core support for the Ecology Training Program to maintain its office and functions, including training Malagasy scientists to meet human capacity needs with a mandate to advance biological, ecological, and education conservation practice, as well as sound policymaking.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 11/04-10/05
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 47 KB)
Legal Fees Associated with the Creation of the Malagasy NGO “Vahatra”
Support the creation of a Malagasy nongovernmental organization (NGO) that would focus on biological research and training of Malagasy scientists. The requested funds are associated with legal fees for the creation of this NGO.
Amount $3,000
Grant Term 4/04-6/04
Grantee The Field Museum of Natural History
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Mapping the Vegetation of Madagascar
Participate in a collaborative project to produce an accurate and updated vegetation map of Madagascar that can be used for conservation planning and natural resource management.
Amount $204,484
Grant Term 1/03-12/05
Grantee Conservation International ($53,110 grant), Royal Botanic Gardens Kew ($151,374 grant)
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 34 KB)
Study Tour to Washington DC for Malagasy Scholars from the University of Antananarivo
Enable Malagasy zoologists and field biologists to come to Washington, DC to interact with various organizations working in the conservation domain on (CI and WWF) and examine specimens in the Smithsonian Institution.
Amount $6,070
Grant Term 7/02-7/02
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Assessment of Priority Areas for Plant Conservation
Identify Madagascar's key floristic regions, set priority areas for plant conservation within these regions and offer training opportunities for Malagasy students and professionals in applied conservation research.
Amount $203,712
Grant Term 1/02-6/05
Grantee Missouri Botanical Garden
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 175 KB)
Ecology Training Program
Mentor, support and build the capacity of Malagasy students by supporting degree programs in conservation science and other activities. This project also includes undertaking biological surveys.
Amount $104,500
Grant Term 9/01-8/04
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, October 2003: Building the Next Generation of Malagasy Biologists
Biodiversity Conservation Training Program
Develop new conservation biology and natural resources management components and integrate into university biology programs, and support post-graduate field study and research.
Amount $37,811
Grant Term 1/01-6/04
Grantee Conservation International
Management Training
Design and implement professional training program for select staff to more effectively create and implement conservation programs.
Amount $69,359
Grant Term 1/01-12/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro