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Strategic Direction 2.  Private-sector conservation initiatives
Wetland Conservation in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Complex, Madagascar
Contribute to conservation of globally important biodiversity of the unique western Malagasy wetlands and associated forests through private sector management initiatives controlled by legally registered community associations and industrial food producers operating locally.
Amount $200,000
Grant Term 4/04-12/06
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Improving Conservation Site Management Through Stakeholder Empowerment and Private Sector Participation in Daraina, Northeast Madagascar
Establish the Daraina Information and Communication Center as an official forum for community-based forest conservation and community development. All community members, authorities, and public sector personnel will have access to information market structures, product development, natural resources management techniques, and improved agricultural systems.
Amount $104,500
Grant Term 4/04-9/05
Grantee Association Fanamby
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Assessment of the Environmental, Economic And Quality Control Issues Of Wild-Harvesting Medicinal Plants Centella asiatica and Drosera madagascariensis in Madagascar
Conduct an assessment of plant populations, traditional use and harvesting, commercial harvesting and domestic and international markets for the two species. Identify means to improve the efficiency and sustainability of harvest by local communities and train local communities in these practices.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 10/03-3/04
Grantee L'Homme et l'Environnement
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Local Population and Private Sector Involvement for Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation at the Vohimana Rainforest in Madagascar
Protect endangered species and habitat in Anala and Manantantely by creating an awareness of the need for sustainable resource management among local communities and authorities, and by providing alternative income opportunities for local communities through the development of private sector initiatives.
Amount $132,750
Grant Term 8/02-8/04
Grantee L'Homme et l'Environnement
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Communities and Zahamena Protected Area
Contribute to the management of biodiversity in the protected area by initiating and supporting small-scale enterprises and stimulating management plans for three adjacent regions.
Amount $167,200
Grant Term 9/01-3/04
Grantee MATEZA
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF)
Small Scale Initiatives Support
Transfer implementation responsibility for involving local communities in the Zahamena Protected Area to NGOs and support local groups in involving local communities in corridor management.
Amount $88,562
Grant Term 1/01-12/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro