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Strategic Direction 1.  Integrating local groups and individuals in the management of protected areas and reserves
The Manambolomaty Conservation Project
Continue assistance to the recently completed CEPF-funded Madagascar Community-based Wetlands Conservation Project, which operated from 2001-2004, by providing assistance and support (technical, logistical, supplies, and material) for two local associations in their progress to be authorized by the Malagasy government to manage their natural resources for a 10-year period.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 1/05-12/05
Grantee The Peregrine Fund
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Makira Forest Area Conservation Project
At the request of the Government of Madagascar, assist in the creation and management of a new protected area in northeastern . The future reserve will help conserve a number of Critically Endangered species, such as the serpent eagle and three out of 11 varieties of Malagasy lemurs. Biodiversity and socioeconomic surveys will be conducted and the information used to demarcate the future protected area.
Amount $201,771
Grant Term 1/03-6/05
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Community Forest Management of the Tandroy Forests of Southern Madagascar
Undertake work in four priority communes in the Spiny Forest of southern Madagascar to ensure that a participatory regional conservation action plan is adopted by conservation stakeholders in the Androy region and that an efficient method of transfer of management of natural resources using aerial photography is developed along with an appropriate monitoring system.
Amount $75,000
Grant Term 11/02-4/04
Grantee Centre Ecologique de Libanona
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF, 30 KB)
Building a National Constituency for Bird and Biodiversity Conservation in Madagascar
Establish a strong, independent, and sustainable BirdLife network organization in Madagascar. Build the nucleus of an effective national conservation partner with enhanced staff capacity for institutional development and conservation of Important Bird Areas.
Amount $79,354
Grant Term 7/02-9/03
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, February 2004: Sakalava Rail Sighted in Madagascar Wetlands
- In Focus, September 2002: BirdLife to Build Constituency for Conservation in Madagascar
Central Menabe Biodiversity: Plan for Protection of Nature's Rich Endowment Through the Development of a Regional Management Scheme
Establish a regional management scheme for the highly endangered biodiversity in the Central Menabe region. A protected areas system will be based around the strategies and priority sites defined within the scheme.
Amount $94,898
Grant Term 6/02-6/03
Grantee Association Fanamby
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Madagascar Community-Based Wetlands Conservation Project
Undertake community-based conservation in the wetland areas of Lake Befotaka, Lake Soamalipo, and a project site in the Besalampy area. Develop wetland management strategies and plans, promoting sustainable fishing and forest use and conservation of the Madagascar fish eagle.
Amount $140,000
Grant Term 10/01-9/04
Grantee The Peregrine Fund
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, August 2005: Malagasy Communities' Win Benefits Fish Eagle
- In Focus, February 2004: Peregrine Fund, Communities Stabilize Madagascar Fish Eagle Population
Initiation Of A Natural Resource Management Program in the Area Between the Loky and the Manambato Rivers, Northeast Madagascar
Establish programs to maintain healthy ecosystems between the rivers, empower communities in natural resource management and ensure long-term conservation of the golden-crowned sifaka.
Amount $369,636
Grant Term 6/01-5/03
Grantee Association Fanamby
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, January 2006, Madagascar's Protected Area Network Grows by 1 Million Hectares in 2005
- In Focus, March 2002: Association Fanamby
- Interview with Serge Rajaobelina, secretary general, Association Fanamby
Biodiversity Knowledge Gathering
Develop or support biodiversity studies, including inventories and studies on flagship and newly identified species to inform management decisions. Create biodiversity research station.
Amount $238,855
Grant Term 1/01-12/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF, 28)
Forested Corridors Management
A conduct regional priority-setting workshop for the Zahamena-Moramanga Corridor and design and implement program to monitor the corridor with government and local NGO partners.
Amount $117,037
Grant Term 1/01-12/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 40 KB)
Zahamena Protected Area Management
Develop, implement and transfer operation plans for Zahamena National Park to the National Association for the Management of Protected Areas (ANGAP) and involve communities in related training and ecotourism activities.
Amount $237,668
Grant Term 1/01-12/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 29 KB)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro