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Guinean Forests
Upper Guinean Forest
Strategic Direction 3.  Promote the concept of biodiversity conservation corridors
Building the Capacity of Farmers in the SW Ghana Conservation Corridor to Practice Cocoa Agroforestry
Field test and learn about effective agroforestry techniques that can be disseminated to approximately 30,000 union members in Ghana to improve farming practices, maintain livelihoods through cocoa farming and conserve the natural environment. Techniques include shade management, use of biological pest and disease controls, crop diversification and soil and watershed management.
Amount $74,992
Grant Term 4/03-3/05
Grantee Kuapa Kokoo Farmers Union
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Corridor Conservation – West Africa
Maintain Conservation International's coordinating office in Abidjan, with the objective of establishing five biodiversity conservation corridors, thus expanding the range of conservation practices applied in a variety of land use contexts.
Amount $353,198
Grant Term 10/02-6/05
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Development of a Strategic Plan for the Establishment of International Corridors for Elephant Migration in West Africa
Develop a plan for the management and protection of African elephant migration corridors across the countries of Western Africa, via a sub-regional workshop. The workshop will also determine next steps for implementation of the strategic plan.
Amount $46,432
Grant Term 6/02-8/03
Grantee IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, March 2004: Tracking Elephant Killings
Intensification of the Liberia Forest Re-assessment Project to Create New Conservation Areas in Liberia
Complement and intensify the existing Liberia Forest Reassessment Project through additional surveys and new protected area proposals.
Amount $106,067
Grant Term 5/02-3/03
Grantee Fauna & Flora International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, October 2003: Outgoing Liberian Government Passes Forest Protection Laws
Liberia: Laying the Foundation for the Creation of a Network of New Protected Areas
Form an alliance for conservation in Liberia, develop a strategy and implementation plan for the Conservation International-Government of Liberia agreement on protected areas and establish a protected area coordinating office in Monrovia.
Amount $100,274
Grant Term 2/02-11/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Conservation Priority-Setting Products and Dissemination
In follow-up to the West Africa Conservation Priority Setting Workshop held in 1999, publish and widely distribute a French translation of the workshop report and a CD-ROM database, and create an interactive Web site.
Amount $78,145
Grant Term 10/01-9/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, August 2003: Sharing Knowledge of Conservation Priorities in West Africa
- Project Web site
Long-Term System for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE)
Coordinate and interpret data on the levels and trends in illegal killing of elephants to assist decisionmakers. The European Union and the governments of Belgium, Japan, and the United States are also supporting this project.
Amount $343,520
Grant Term 2/01-1/05
Grantee IUCN-The World Conservation Union
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - In Focus, March 2004: Tracking Elephant Killings
- In Focus, April 2002: Monitoring Illegal Killing of Elephants
Hunting to Extinction: Addressing the Threat of the Bushmeat Trade to Wildlife in the Upper Guinea Forest
Develop a comprehensive strategy to curb the bushmeat trade in Ghana and a handbook for the general public on endangered species and bushmeat trade issues. Review legal and traditional wildlife regulations.
Amount $491,685
Grant Term 1/01-4/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, January 2003: Chiefs Join Bushmeat Campaign in Ghana
- From CEPF E-News, September 2002: CI Targets Critical Threat to Biodiversity in Ghana
Conservation Connections: Developing a Conservation Corridor for the Nimba Highlands and the Sapo-Tai Complex
Catalyze creation of two biodiversity conservation corridors by establishing an office in Abidjan, developing and implementing a fundraising strategy, and forming a committee to guide project development.
Amount $317,670
Grant Term 1/01-12/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Liberia Forest Reassessment
Create a geographic information system database for Liberia's forests, train Liberian and international staff to interpret satellite images, and create management plans for priority areas.
Amount $200,852
Grant Term 1/01-12/03
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro