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Guinean Forests
Upper Guinean Forest
Strategic Direction 1.  Strengthening institutional capacity of local civil society groups for conservation
Biological Inventory and Ecological Study of the Southern Dassioko and Monogaga Forests (Southwest Coast of Côte d'Ivoire)
Conduct biological surveys together with local communities and raise environmental awareness in two classified forests - Monogaga and Dassioko Sud - in the littoral forest zone of Côte d'Ivoire.
Amount $27,125
Grant Term 10/04-9/05
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF)
Status of White-Necked Picathartes (Picathartes gymnocephalus) in Ghana
Study and investigate data to update existing information on the distribution and population status of the white-necked picathartes in Ghana.
Amount $19,320
Grant Term 10/04-9/05
Grantee Ghana Wildlife Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building Capacity for Conservation in Liberia
Build the technical and logistical capacity of Liberian organizations to collaborate and coordinate in achieving conservation and in implementing conservation projects in Liberia.
Amount $346,025
Grant Term 9/04-6/07
Grantee Conservation International
Bushmeat Hunting and Trade in the Nimba Mountains
Establish a collaborative management program for wild fauna, involving local communities and Mt. Nimba Biosphere Reserve authorities as the first phase of a long-term initiative for the management of Mt. Nimba Biosphere Reserve.
Amount $49,946
Grant Term 7/04-9/05
Grantee Fauna & Flora International
Project Documents - Final report, Français (PDF)
Related News and Products - Lesson Learned, April 2006
Stimulating a Coordinated and Informed Approach to Biodiversity Conservation in Sierra Leone through Capacity Building of EFA and the Forum for Environmental Action
Provide substantive forums and telecommunication devices as appropriate tools for engaging thoughtful discussion and action in both the private and public sector areas of environmental management. This project aims to redress the specific challenge of environmental reform in governmental policy in post-civil war Sierra Leone.
Amount $100,695
Grant Term 7/04-3/06
Grantee Environmental Foundation for Africa - Sierra Leone
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 32 KB)
Improving Implementation of Environmental Legislation in Liberia
Improve institutional capacity of this association, also known as Green Advocates, through review of existing biodiversity legislation, raising awareness about environmental laws and enforcement, training a number of lawyers in environmental law and motivating local communities to conserve biodiversity.
Amount $40,000
Grant Term 1/04-12/04
Grantee Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Support for the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group
Support the Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group in its review of the effectiveness of select forms of networking and communication of conservation concepts, tools and lessons to conservation decisionmakers and practitioners in all regions of Africa.
Amount $26,156
Grant Term 11/03-10/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 127 KB) 
- Case studies (PDF, 234 KB)
- Communications strategy (PDF, 778 KB)
Improving the Capacity of GECOMSA in NGO Management
Attendance of the Executive Director of GECOMSA at a course in nongovernmental organization (NGO) management to be held Nov. 3 to Dec. 12, 2003, at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration.
Amount $3,666
Grant Term 10/03-12/03
Grantee Grand Gedeh Community Servant Association
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Building a Global Constituency for Biodiversity Conservation
Implement a series of targeted public awareness and education campaigns in nine hotspots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Campaign leaders participate in an intensive training course at the UK's Kent University or Mexico's Guadalajara University, prepare detailed plans to implement campaigns, link with a local organization in their region and commit to a minimum two years with that organization.
Amount $153,373
Grant Term 1/03-12/06
Grantee Conservation International ($48,448 grant), Rare ($104,925 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering nine hotspots; the total grant amount is $1,993,855 (Rare $1,364,030 and Conservation International $629,825).
Related News and Products - In Focus, June 2006: Partners in Peñablanca
- Lesson Learned, September 2005
- Index to CEPF-supported campaigns
- In Focus, November 2004: Marketing Social Change
- In Focus, August 2003: Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Ankasa Exploration Base
Build an experiential learning center, the Ankasa Exploration Base, near the Ankasa Resource Reserve in southwestern Ghana to encourage school children and out-of-school youth to use their senses to explore the environment. Lessons are connected to the children's lives back home with clear possibilities for action in relation to building a more sustainable lifestyle.
Amount $249,170
Grant Term 11/02-4/06
Grantee Living Earth Foundation
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 92 KB)
Interim Support to the Management of Sapo National Park, Liberia
Based upon experience gained and momentum begun under the Darwin- and WWF-funded program to restart management of Sapo National Park, continue supporting basic management of the park. This includes, for example, provision of basic training in protected area management skills to park staff and local volunteers; providing rudimentary motivational allowances and field rations; and installing basic park infrastructure.
Amount $136,193
Grant Term 10/02-12/05
Grantee Fauna & Flora International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, December 2005: New Funds Herald New Era for Liberia’s Sapo National Park
Implementation of Activities for Creating a Protected Area Network and Biodiversity Conservation Corridors in Liberia
Support creation of a protected area system to include 1.5 million hectares of Liberia's remaining rain forest. Specific activities include providing management and expertise to plan and develop the network, recruiting and training appropriate staff, constructing and maintaining infrastructures at Sapo National Park and ensuring boundaries are demarcated, maintained and patrolled.
Amount $155,000
Grant Term 7/02-6/03
Grantee Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Phytomedica Network: Enhancing Exchange of Information through Phytomedica Network
Share information on sustainable use and conservation and management activities in ecosystems with high medicinal plant species diversity in Africa through Phytomedica, an information service to improve the exchange of ideas and information on medicinal plants conservation and natural products.
Amount $16,074
Grant Term 7/02-6/03
Grantee Conserve Africa Foundation
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Phytomedica Network group
Building Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation in West Africa
Conduct capacity building with partner organizations in Ghana and Sierra Leone to improve capacity for biodiversity conservation and the development of conservation programs with national organizations in Côte D'Ivoire, Guinea and Liberia.
Amount $655,312
Grant Term 1/02-3/05
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Habitat Assessment, Ichthyological Inventory and Management Recommendations for High Priority Coastal Mangrove Zone and Fouta Djalon of Guinea
Conduct inventory of fishes in the Fouta Djalon and coastal mangrove zone, including creating georeference and analysis through maps, databases and tissue samples. Provide technical assistance and equipment to local institutions to ensure sustainability of the project.
Amount $132,818
Grant Term 1/02-6/05
Grantee University of Louisiana at Monroe
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, August 2003: Guinea Fish Study Lays Ground for Improved Conservation
Developing a National Biodiversity Strategy for Ghana
Update the 1997 national biodiversity strategy to incorporate all the major initiatives that affect biodiversity conservation in the country. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in the Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology is also providing funding.
Amount $11,865
Grant Term 11/01-8/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Strengthening Legal Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Liberia Through Training, Local Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening
Co-finance a Liberian environmental lawyer to pursue a graduate program in environmental law at Tulane University.
Amount $11,215
Grant Term 8/01-8/02
Grantee Association of Environmental Lawyers of Liberia
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Forest Conservation at Mont Péko, Côte d'Ivoire
Conserve forests in the Peko-Nimba Highlands by building capacity in Mount Péko, training individuals and promoting interests with managers of other protected areas.
Amount $98,454
Grant Term 6/01-5/02
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, February 2003: Planning Leads to Project Success in Côte d'Ivoire
Conservation of Biodiversity in Marahoué National Park, Côte d’Ivoire
Establish park management systems to conserve biological diversity, ecological processes and productivity of the park.
Amount $359,314
Grant Term 3/01-5/02
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Ensuring Sustainable Funding for Conservation: An Analysis of Existing and Potential Conservation Finance Mechanisms for West Africa
Assess and recommend finance mechanisms for conservation in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia, conduct workshop with stakeholders and facilitate implementation.
Amount $0
Grant Term 1/01-6/02
Grantee Conservation International
This grant has been terminated. The original funding amount was $71,284.
Project Documents - No final report is available for this project.
Strengthening the Role of Universities in Biodiversity Conservation in West Africa: An Analysis of Opportunities
Conduct assessment of barriers that limit the involvement of academic institutions in conservation in Ghana and then develop and implement projects to strengthen the role of these institutions and build widespread support.
Amount $18,081
Grant Term 1/01-6/02
Grantee Conservation International
This grant has been terminated. The original funding amount was $65,000.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro