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Eastern Himalayas Region
Strategic Direction 3.  Leverage partnerships among donor agencies, civil society, and government institutions to achieve priority biodiversity conservation outcomes over the long term
Building Grassroots Civil Society Support for Biodiversity Conservation in Bhutan
Establish a network of local support groups in six pilot districts within key biodiversity areas of the Bhutan Biological Conservation Complex.  Royal Society for the Protection of Nature will also build capacity of these groups to identify and undertake conservation actions for key biodiversity areas and important habitat linkages, with action grants and funds leveraged from small grant schemes.
Amount $140,000
Grant Term 7/07-9/10
Grantee Royal Society for the Protection of Nature
This grant is financially administered by World Wide Fund for Nature on behalf of the Royal Society for the Protection of Nature.
Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives through Grassroots Participation
Build partnerships among stakeholders to incorporate biodiversity conservation perspectives in forest management outside of protected areas within the Kangchenjunga-Singhalila Complex. This includes advocacy at the local and national government level, as well as raising awareness and building capacity at the local level to plan and monitor biodiversity in key project sites.
Amount $69,990
Grant Term 4/07-3/09
Grantee Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness
Developing Civil Society Networks to Conserve Key Biodiversity Areas in Nepal, Focusing on the Kanchenjunga-Singalila Complex
Develop civil society networks to manage, monitor, and mitigate threats to biodiversity conservation in the Kangchenjunga-Singhalila Complex. Pilot projects will establish local community conservation groups or "Site Support Groups" to identify and promote conservation solutions that sustain biodiversity while meeting the livelihood needs of rural communities.
Amount $69,988
Grant Term 4/07-3/09
Grantee Bird Conservation Nepal
CEPF Coordination in the Eastern Himalayas
Lead CEPF implementation in the Eastern Himalayas Region. The team will ensure maximum participation of civil society groups, support the development of effective conservation projects in line with the CEPF ecosystem profile for this region, and engage stakeholders to leverage funds for sustainable long-term investment.
Amount $846,717
Grant Term 1/06-7/10
Grantee World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Related News and Products - Eastern Himalayas Bulletin, Issue 2 July 2007 (PDF, 1.08 MB)

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro