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Eastern Arc & Coastal Forests
Strategic Direction 2.  Restore and increase connectivity among fragmented forest patches
Improve Forest Connectivity in the Taita Hills: A Preparatory Phase
In conjunction with village community forest associations, develop participatory management plans for selected forest fragments identified to improve connectivity, namely Vuria, Susu, and a combined plan for Wesu Big Rock, Mbili, and Weni Mwana.
Amount $53,627
Grant Term 5/07-10/08
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Improving the Conservation of Magombera Forest and Community Livelihoods
Lead the process that involves all stakeholders – including the local community, private sector, and government departments - to formally gazette Magombera Forest as part of the Selous Game Reserve.  In so doing, develop alternative livelihood activities to improve local livelihoods and conserve the Iringa red colobus.
Amount $70,000
Grant Term 11/06-12/07
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Restoring Forest Connectivity in the Udzungwa Mountains
Identify biodiversity corridors combining both biological imperative and community use between existing forest fragments.  In consultation with the local communities, the appropriate mechanisms to establish forest corridors will be put in place and the corridors will be replanted and tended to ensure the seedlings survive.
Amount $77,450
Grant Term 8/06-12/08
Grantee Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Assessing the Potential for Restoring Connectivity and Evaluating Options for Improved Management of the Udzungwa Scarp, Iyondo, Matundu, and Nyanganje Forest Reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania
Assess the condition of the forests, ecosystem integrity, and human impacts between the Udzungwa Mountains National Park and the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve to identify and map potential corridors between these critical conservation areas. Explore options for improving the management and conservation status of these areas.
Amount $88,535
Grant Term 1/06-3/07
Grantee Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 29 KB)
Related News and Products - Related report: Conservation Status, Connectivity, and Options for Improved Management of Southern Forest Reserves in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: Urgent Need for Intervention (PDF, 949 KB), May 2007
- Related report: Workshop Proceedings: Conservation and Management of the Southern Udzungwa Mountains: The Way Forward (PDF, 282), March 2007 
Army Ants in the Fragmented Forests of Taita Hills and Lower Tana River
Survey army ant (Dorylus molestus) populations, a keystone species, in forest patches of different sizes to determine how forest patch size and time since isolation influence army ant occurrence and abundance. The minimum patch size supporting viable populations will assist in planning connectivity interventions in other highly fragmented forest environments in both semi-arid and humid regions.
Amount $10,000
Grant Term 11/05-12/05
Grantee Caspar Schöning
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 335 KB)
Related News and Products -From the Journal of East African Natural History: Does the Afrotropical Army Ant Dorylus (Anomma) Molestus Go Extinct in Fragmented Forests? (PDF, 419 KB)
Conservation Biology of Ecological Indicators to Enhance Connectivity in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
Examine the influence of forest land-use practices on bird species movement, survivorship, and natality to define land--use practices within corridors that promote bird movement and survivorship.  The recommendations from this study will provide guidelines that would be applicable to other corridor sites throughout the Eastern Arc Mountains.
Amount $69,865
Grant Term 8/05-12/08
Grantee William D. Newmark
Facilitating the Compensation Payments for the Derema Forest Reserve, East Usambara Mountains
Secure one of the most important biodiversity sites in Africa, the Derema corridor, linking the Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains to several other forest reserves. This grant will establish the working mechanisms for a compensation scheme capitalized by the governments of Tanzania and Finland, the Global Conservation Fund, and other donors.
Amount $154,810
Grant Term 7/05-12/07
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Technical Advisor – Conservation Corridors: Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya
Establish position for scientific advisor, who will provide up-to-date advice on the research priorities within the region and ensure that data are collected in a standard and comparable manner, thus ensuring that a cohesive set of research projects are implemented.
Amount $119,900
Grant Term 7/05-6/06
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 33 KB)
Making Available Free Copies of Coastal Forest Books
Distribute the IUCN publication The Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa (2000) that remains the only complete description of this mosaic habitat, the current status, biodiversity values, human impacts, and potential benefits from the remaining forests.
Amount $5,375
Grant Term 7/05-9/05
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Restoration and Increase of Connectivity Among Fragmented Forest Patches in the Taita Hills, Southeast Kenya
Model the opportunities to increase connectivity between the forest fragments that comprise the Taita Hills to ensure the long-term conservation of threatened species. These data will then guide future conservation investments within the Taita Hills to address priority areas, including promoting alternative nature-based livelihoods to reduce the pressure on the natural resources.
Amount $105,203
Grant Term 7/05-9/06
Grantee Ghent University
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 27 KB)
Related News and Products - Related report - Restoration and Increase of Connectivity among Fragmented Forest Patches in the Taita Hills, south-east Kenya (PDF, 2.9 MB) 
Restoration and Increase of Connectivity in Taita Hills Forests: Survey and Suitability Assessment of Exotic Plantations
Map and describe the plantations of exotic tree species within the Taita Taveta District and study opportunities and limitations to increasing connectivity between the fragments of remaining indigenous forests through “enrichment planting” within these plantations. These data will contribute to the connectivity model being undertaken by the University of Ghent.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 5/05-11/05
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Rehabilitation and Restoration of Mwambirwa Forest
Rehabilitate 318 hectares of Mwambirwa forest that burned down in 2001, replacing exotic plantation species with a mix of indigenous trees.  In so doing, reestablish connectivity with the larger Mbololo forest to improve the long-term survival of the Critically Endangered Taita thrush (Turdus helleri).
Amount $19,409
Grant Term 4/05-9/07
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Rehabilitation of Chawia Forest for the Conservation of Its Flora and Fauna
Conserve the Critically Endangered Taita thrush (Turdus helleri) through restoring the understory vegetation within Chawia forest, while providing alternative sources to many of the forest products required by the local communities.  Activities also include advocating for change in community use of the forest to improve the breeding success of this ground-dwelling species.
Amount $18,990
Grant Term 4/05-3/07
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 191 KB)
Resource Center for the Provision of Information and Technical Advice to Local Stakeholders in Forest Restoration Work in Taita Hills
Provide relevant, appropriate information and Internet links that describe conservation, livelihoods and farming practices to improve land-use and conservation priorities to the communities living throughout the Taita Hills through a resource center based in Wundanyi.  Raise awareness of the activities of researchers within the area and opportunities to exchange information and ideas.
Amount $19,988
Grant Term 4/05-3/06
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Facilitating a Process of Stakeholders Consultations on the Interventions Required to Restore and Increase the Connectivity of Forest Patches in Taita Hills
Ensure that the findings from research undertaken within the hotspot are made available to all relevant institutions and individuals to raise awareness and conservation of these vital habitats. The grantee will perform this role and assist non-Tanzanian researchers with securing the relevant research permits.
Amount $17,905
Grant Term 2/05-2/05
Grantee The East African Wild Life Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Standardizing Forest Change Methodologies Between Sokoine University and CABS to Assist in Identifying Connectivity Priorities Across the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests
Demonstrate the methodology developed to detect forest change and assess how similar this is to methodologies being used to detect forest change by Sokoine University and the WWF approach, and ideally develop a standardized method for this analysis so that the individual parts can be compiled as a region-wide forest cover change map.
Amount $7,203
Grant Term 2/05-2/05
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Facilitating the Process of Designing CEPF/GCF Connectivity Interventions in the Udzungwa Mountains Area
Determine, through a stakeholders’ workshop, a cohesive set of conservation priorities in the areas surrounding Udzungwa National Park that face demands from the local communities and commercial enterprise, as well as the need to protect the ecological services of the catchment forests that provide habitat for several endemic species.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 12/04-12/04
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment of the Rehabilitation of theTana Delta Irrigation Project with Design of Critical Primate Habitat Improvement, Increased Indigenous Forest Connectivity and Community Woodlots
Review previous research and documentation of the Lower Tana River Forest area, update both the biological and socioeconomic baseline and use this information to design an environmental component of a planned rehabilitation with the focus of enhancing conservation management while also engaging local residents in discussion and action regarding the long-term benefits of forest connectivity.
Amount $20,584
Grant Term 10/04-7/05
Grantee National Museums of Kenya
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)

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