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Eastern Arc & Coastal Forests
Strategic Direction 1.  Increase the ability of local populations to benefit from and contribute to biodiversity conservation
Saintpaulia Project: Wildflower Field Guides for the Eastern Arc Mountains
Produce pocket field guides of the wild flowers and butterflies for priority areas within the Eastern Arc Mountains.
Amount $13,140
Grant Term 4/07-3/08
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania
Forest Use and Conservation of Biodiversity in Witu Forest
Survey both wildlife distribution and abundance as well as human activities on a 100,000-hectare conservancy.  Using these data, assess the potential to develop an integrated conservation and development plan in conjunction with the local communities through ecotourism and sustainable natural resource management activities.
Amount $19,942
Grant Term 1/07-3/07
Grantee Danish Zoological Society
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 179 KB)
Capacity Building to Improve the Management of the Amani Nature Reserve
Update the infrastructure, communication, and management of the Amani Nature Reserve headquarters to enhance conservation effectiveness and increase tourism-related revenue to the reserve.
Amount $19,500
Grant Term 1/07-12/07
Grantee Amani Nature Reserve
Kwale Herbal and Beauty Production Centre
Improve the quality control on a range of beauty products that are derived using essential oils extracted from plants growing in the natural and sacred forests in Kwale District in order to obtain Kenya Bureau of Standards certification and expand the available market.
Amount $12,030
Grant Term 1/07-5/08
Grantee National Museums of Kenya
Rubeho Environmental Action Plan (REAP) Project – Phase I
Engage all relevant stakeholders in developing an action plan that will improve the conservation of the Mafwomero Forest landscape and promote environmentally sound alternatives to reduce the impact of the demand for building materials and firewood among the local community.
Amount $100,000
Grant Term 12/06-12/07
Grantee African Rainforest Conservancy
Mangabey Educational Tourism Project in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: Phase 1
Complete the habituation of a troop of Endangered Sanje mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus sanjei) around the Udzungwa Mountains National Park headquarters at Mang’ula to enhance educational tourism for both local and international visitors. In so doing, train and build the skills of rangers and local guides to ultimately increase revenue for the park and local community.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 11/06-8/07
Grantee Trevor P. Jones
Protecting Biological Diversity on Unilever’s Mufindi Tea Estate
Analyze the causes of forest degradation around the Mufindi Tea estate. Based upon this, and in conjunction with select user communities, develop projects to promote alternative sources of energy and agroforestry practices to supply fuel wood, building materials, and medicinal plants as a means to conserve these forests.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 10/06-9/07
Grantee Unilever Tanzania Limited
Managing the Interface between Forest Product Extraction and Rural Livelihoods in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests
Mitigate threats to the long-term conservation of Tanzania's forests from unsustainable timber trade and extraction through a combination of strengthening civil society and improved community management of forest reserves that will provide the tools necessary to prevent unsustainable trade.
Amount $100,000
Grant Term 10/06-9/08
Grantee TRAFFIC International
The Wildlife Works/Verde Ventures Kasigau Reforestation Project
Reduce the pressure on the montane forest of Mt Kasigau through a reforestation program on the surrounding lowlands. Activities include empowering and involving communities in propagating indigenous tree species and replanting areas seriously denuded by uncontrolled charcoal burning and logging for domestic timber usage, as well as restoring depleted hardwood tree species to improve soil conservation and water catchments in the area.
Amount $18,154
Grant Term 9/06-9/09
Grantee Wildlife Works EPZ Ltd.
TALK (Training, Awareness, Learning, and Knowledge) about the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Kenya and Tanzania
Raise awareness about the importance of these forests, the biodiversity they contain, the services they provide, and the threats confronting their long-term conservation through a variety of media including drama and music competitions, publications, radio, and TV programs to be broadcast in BBC’s Earth Report.
Amount $143,600
Grant Term 2/06-1/08
Grantee Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Related News and Products -  The Arc Journal, Issue 20, March 2007 (PDF, 2.58 MB)
Socioeconomic Study of the Udzungwa Scarp Area: A Potential Wildlife Corridor
Undertake a socioeconomic study of villages between the Udzungwa Mountains National Park and the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve. These data will be used to evaluate the most effective approaches required to improve conservation and reconnect these important forest blocks.
Amount $20,000
Grant Term 2/06-7/06
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Related News and Products - Related report - Socio-Economic Study of Forest-Adjacent Communities from Nyanganje Forest to Udzungwa Scarp: A Potential Wildlife Corridor (PDF, 449 KB)
Assessment of Tumbatu Flora and Fauna Species
Reinforce the capacity of the local population of this island to undertake a survey to determine species abundance and distribution. Using these data, explore how best to develop appropriate management and conservation mechanisms based upon the local cultural and spiritual values.
Amount $7,000
Grant Term 1/06-12/06
Grantee Jongowe Environmental Management Association
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Community Biodiversity Conservation Micro-Grants in the Eastern Arc and Coastal Forests of Kenya and Tanzania
Support community-based organizations reliant upon the forest resources with funds to undertake small-scale activities that serve to improve livelihoods and contribute to the conservation of the forests. Grants will include activities at individual sites as well as actions that have indirect conservation benefits including training and exchange visits.
Amount $400,000
Grant Term 1/06-12/08
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Conservation of Zanzibar's Unique Flora and Fauna via Community-Based Forest Management and Socioeconomic Development Around Jozani-Chwaka Bay National Park
Expand the conservation and development activities around Jozani-Chwaka Bay National Park, in conjunction with village conservation committees, community-based organizations, and the Zanzibar Government to ensure the long-term survival of Zanzibar's endemic flora and fauna, including the Endangered Zanzibar red colobus and Aders’ duiker.
Amount $174,985
Grant Term 1/06-12/07
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society ($83,077 grant), CARE International ($91,908 grant)
Promoting Community Involvement in Resource Protection in and around the Boni-Dodori-Kiunga Protected Area Complex
Strengthen community participation and collaboration between local organizations, the Kenya Wildlife Service, and other stakeholders to improve the conservation of these remote coastal forests of northern Kenya. Undertake a participatory assessment of the current level of off-take of natural resources and develop self-regulating mechanisms to moderate over extraction.
Amount $19,930
Grant Term 1/06-12/06
Grantee Africa Conservation Fund
The Amani Butterfly Project
Expand the current operations of the Amani butterfly project to enable more communities to engage in butterfly farming as an income-generating activity, in so doing defining the link between livelihoods and maintaining healthy, intact forest cover.  
Amount $9,880
Grant Term 11/05-10/06
Grantee Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 24 KB)
Investigating the Benefits of Participatory Forest Management in Uluguru Forest Reserves
Extrapolate the relationships between community livelihoods and forest cover in six locations within the Uluguru Mountains to identify the best practices and constraints to forest management approaches and assist in refining these approaches accordingly. 
Amount $19,933
Grant Term 10/05-3/07
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania
Agroforestry Activities Around Arabuko Sokoke
Scale up agroforestry practices of this community-based organization through increased propagation and planting of indigenous and commercial species that have important cultural and economic uses, reducing the pressure on the natural resources on the 41,600-hectare Arabuko Sokoke coastal forest, the largest remaining fragment of coastal forest in East Africa.
Amount $10,300
Grant Term 7/05-12/06
Grantee Mabuwani Women Group
Aerial Monitoring of Vegetation Quality, Cover, and Threats of the Forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania
Define the area of forest habitat and levels and types of disturbance throughout the region to improve forest management strategies for both Eastern Arc Mountains and coastal forests. Retrospective comparison with 1950s vegetation maps will provide statistics on the extent and rates of change of forest cover.
Amount $147,000
Grant Term 6/05-12/06
Grantee Wildlife Conservation Society
Equator Ventures
Support the pilot phase of Equator Ventures, a partnership initiative with UNDP's Equator Initiative. Implement loan and technical assistance packages to small- to medium-sized enterprises benefiting biodiversity and local communities, and monitor biodiversity results.
Amount $11,110
Grant Term 6/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering eight hotspots; the total grant amount is $99,986.
Related News and Products - Equator Ventures Web site
Conservation and Management Policy Development
Promote awareness and conservation of the sacred forests, or Kayas, by introducing tangible economic benefits from alternative activities including bee-keeping, production of fruits, and offering tours around the forest.  In addition, important cultural information will be documented. 
Amount $19,383
Grant Term 5/05-4/07
Grantee Kaya Muhaka Forest Conservation Organization
Business-Oriented Conservation and Agroforestry Initiatives in Muheza District, Tanzania
Establish a demonstration farm neighboring the East Usambaras, a priority area within the region, to show the potential of agroforestry techniques to generate short-term economic benefits. Activities will also raise awareness of the threats to Brachylaena huliensis, a tree with high export value on the Kenya wood carving market.
Amount $19,822
Grant Term 4/05-3/08
Grantee JPFirst
Promotion of Nature-Based, Sustainable Businesses for Forest-adjacent Communities in the East-Usambara-Tanga, Taita Hills, and Lower Tana River Forests
Develop nature-based alternative livelihood opportunities for communities in and around three priority areas. These opportunities include production and marketing of commercial insects, honey production, silk farming, and medicinal plants that will enable communities to sustainably use natural resources in ways that also contribute to conservation.
Amount $500,000
Grant Term 4/05-3/08
Grantee International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Related News and Products - Stingless Bees in Kenya (PDF, 595 KB), Bees for Development Journal 83, June 2007
- In Focus, May 4, 2007: Communities See Brighter Future on Wings of a Butterfly
Evaluation of Tanzania Forest Conservation Group's Participatory Forest Management Initiatives in the Eastern Arc
Identify the best practices and lessons learnt from communities engaged in participatory forest management within Tanzania. These findings will be shared with all stakeholders through a variety of media describing impacts and benefits of participatory forest management on biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods.
Amount $35,686
Grant Term 3/05-3/06
Grantee Tanzania Forest Conservation Group
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 92 KB)
Instituting a Standardized Sustainable Biodiversity Monitoring System in the Eastern Arc / Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya
Monitor conservation outcomes as a result of all investments undertaken at species, site, and landscape scales. In addition, provide a mechanism for all data accrued from projects to be available to address the most urgent priorities that can be compared against an analysis of forest change throughout the region.
Amount $425,409
Grant Term 2/05-12/08
Grantee BirdLife International ($351,947 grant), Conservation International ($73,462 grant)
Conserving Coastal and Eastern Arc Forests Through Community Access to Retail Markets for Good Wood Wood Carvings on the South Coast of Kenya
Alert both tourists and artisans in this popular tourist destination about the threats to indigenous trees favored by craftsmen in meeting the demand for woodcarvings as safari souvenirs, and promote the use of alternative and abundant timber including neem and jacaranda timber as “good woods.”
Amount $19,999
Grant Term 1/05-9/06
Grantee Wakuluzu: Friends of the Colobus Trust Ltd.
Kaya Kinondo Community Ecotourism Project
Demonstrate the positive influence of ecotourism by connecting conservation management in the Kinondo region with tangible social and economic benefits to the local people.
Amount $19,915
Grant Term 10/04-3/06
Grantee Kaya Kinondo Conservation and Development Group and Coastal Forest Conservation Unit
Related News and Products - In Focus, April 2005: Strengthening Livelihoods Secures Future for Forest
Capacity Building to Empower Community Conservation
Create environmental conservation awareness among the village members and promote ecotourism in the region.
Amount $11,285
Grant Term 10/04-11/05
Grantee Kasigau Conservation Trust
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 32 KB)
Baseline Carbon Storage Assessment of Kenya’s Coastal Forests
Assess the carbon storage potential of East Africa’s coastal forests as a prelude to establishing compensation schemes to community-managed forests from greenhouse gas emitting industries under the Kyoto Protocol.
Amount $16,447
Grant Term 10/04-3/05
Grantee International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 20 KB)
- Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (PDF, 428 KB)
- Related report: Preliminary Assessment of Carbon Storage & the Potential for Forestry Based Carbon Offset Projects in the Lower Tana River Forests: the Tana Delta Irrigation Project and the Tana River National Primate Reserve (PDF, 408 KB)
Do Payments For Environmental Services Offer the Potential For Long Term Sustainable Financing?
Knowing the value of watershed services provided by forests is vital in defining the link between urban populations that rely on these ecological functions, this study will assess the contribution made by the forests of the Uluguru Mountains. These forests are the source of the Ruvu River that supplies Morogoro and Dar es Salaam with water and generates hydroelectric power.
Amount $19,800
Grant Term 10/04-9/07
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Related News and Products  - Related report - Payment for Water Services as a Mechanism for Watershed Management: The Case of the Sigi River Catchment, Tanga, Tanzania (PDF, 451 KB)
CEPF Investment Coordination and Sustainability in the Eastern Arc / Coastal Forests Hotspot
Coordinate CEPF’s investments in this hotspot to ensure they are complementary with on-going activities, engage a wide array of nongovernmental organizations and achieve the greatest impact. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology will lead a consortium of the WWF Eastern Africa Regional Programme Office, the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group and BirdLife Africa as the eyes and ears of CEPF in the region to promote the conservation of biological diversity at all levels of civil society.
Amount $780,000
Grant Term 2/04-12/08
Grantee International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Project Documents - Workshop report - Research, Monitoring, and Awareness Raising (SD3) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Workshop report - Restoring and Increasing Connectivity (SD2) (PDF, 817 KB)
Related News and Products - Newsletter: Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests Email Update, Vol. 4 July 2007 (PDF, 808 KB) / Vol. 3 April 2007 (PDF, 154 KB)
- In Focus, October 2005: In Close: Coordinated Grantmaking in the Eastern Arc Mountains
- Press release, June 2004: New Investment Gives Hope for Hundreds of Threatened Species in Tanzania and Kenya

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro