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Strategic Direction 3.  Implement models demonstrating sustainable resource use in five target corridors
Promoting Sustainable Resource Use Among Local Communities Near Protected Areas in Southern Armenia
The Fund for Biodiversity Conservation of the Armenian Highlands (FBCAH) will provide small grants for local communities to implement model sustainable use projects. FBCAH support will engage six communities around protected areas in southern Armenia in activities benefiting local economic development and enhancing protected areas management effectiveness in the Syunik region.
Amount $199,700
Grant Term 7/07-12/08
Grantee Fund for Biodiversity Conservation of Armenian Highland
Promoting Sustainable Forest Management within the Support/Buffer Zone of the Mtirala National Park
Establish effective management in the buffer zone around the newly declared Mtirala National Park in the Republic of Georgia. The buffer zone area is 35,000 hectares, 20,000 hectares of which is forest important for globally threatened species. The CEPF investment will complement support from the Government of Norway to the Government of Georgia and WWF, which will establish an effective management regime within this newly established park.
Amount $154,000
Grant Term 6/07-3/08
Grantee Association for Nature Protection and Sustainable Use "Mta-Bari"
Related News and Products - CEPF News, Sept. 1, 2007: Support for Georgia’s Newest National Park
Evaluation and Implementation of Sustainable Forestry Models in Northern Armenia
Evaluate the current status of the forest in the project site, develop a strategy on sustainable forestry practice, carry out a training program on sustainable forestry and a pilot program based on sustainable forestry principles, and provide training and projects for local stakeholders on alternative income-generating activities.
Amount $100,000
Grant Term 10/06-6/08
Grantee Armenia Tree Project
Related News and Products - In Focus, July 2, 2007: Saving Armenia's Forests
- Armenia Tree Project Newsletter: Spring 2007, (PDF, 1 MB)
Training for Conservation - Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring Training Program in the Turkish Caucasus
Adapt and develop training materials on biodiversity assessment and monitoring techniques for protected area management. The course will be adapted from the Smithsonian Institution’s internationally respected Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment Course and will be tailor-made for the forest and alpine regions of the West Lesser Caucasus Corridor.
Amount $146,863
Grant Term 9/06-8/07
Grantee Nature Conservation Centre
Integrated River Basin Management in the Turkish West Lesser Caucasus
Promote sustainable resource use through integrated river basin management in the Firtina Valley and the Turkish part of the West Lesser Caucasus. Priorities include reducing resource use pressure on the Kackar Mountains National Park and building new partnerships for improved management of these resources.
Amount $350,000
Grant Term 7/06-6/08
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature - Turkey
Model Project on Sustainable Forestry and Introduction of Alternative Energy Sources for Saving Habitats of CEPF Priority Species
Produce briquettes from sawdust and replace the use of forests for heating purposes. Creating this small enterprise producing wooden briquettes will generate income for the local community, make them less dependent on natural resources, and reduce pollution.
Amount $45,000
Grant Term 5/06-3/07
Grantee Sumgayit Center for Environmental Rehabilitation
Equator Ventures
Support the pilot phase of Equator Ventures, a partnership initiative with UNDP's Equator Initiative. Implement loan and technical assistance packages to small- to medium-sized enterprises benefiting biodiversity and local communities, and monitor biodiversity results.
Amount $11,110
Grant Term 6/05-12/07
Grantee Conservation International
This is a multiregional project covering eight hotspots; the total grant amount is $99,986.
Related News and Products - Equator Ventures Web site

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro