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Strategic Direction 1.  Support civil society efforts to promote transboundary cooperation and improve protected area systems in five target corridors
Wetland Management Training Course for the Staff of Sevan National Park (Armenia) and Kolkheti National Park (Georgia)
Increase the capacity of the staff of Lake Sevan and Kolkheti national parks and improve the management of the protected areas (inventory and monitoring).  The project will be implemented through training seminars to be carried out for park staff as well as representatives from other relevant environmental entities, including nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, and universities.
Amount $30,000
Grant Term 10/06-12/07
Grantee Professional and Entrepreneurial Orientation Union
Enhancing Conservation in the West Lesser Caucasus through Transboundary Cooperation and Establishing a Training Program on KBA Conservation
Promote transboundary cooperation between Turkey and Georgia by carrying out joint initiatives that support the conservation of the West Lesser Caucasus biodiversity conservation corridor by implementing strategies relevant to priority species and site outcomes and organizing exchanges across the project sites and key experts in biodiversity conservation.
Amount $254,705
Grant Term 7/06-6/08
Grantee Doğa Derneği
Development of the Econet Scheme of the North Caucasus on the Base of Analysis of Satellite Images and Topographical Maps
Enhance the ability of civil society to influence the process of land-use planning in the Russian portion of the Greater Caucasus Corridor through development of an Econet plan - a high-resolution landscape-scale conservation planning framework.
Amount $94,950
Grant Term 4/06-3/08
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature - Russia
Assistance to Establishment of New Protected Area Zangezur in Southern Armenia
Enhance the ability of civil society to partner with the government of Armenia in expanding an effective network of protected areas in the East Lesser Caucasus biodiversity conservation corridor.  The organization, Khustup, will work closely with government to create a new specially protected natural area “Zangezur."
Amount $174,769
Grant Term 3/06-6/08
Grantee Khustup Nature Protection NGO
Creation of the System of Protected Areas of the North Caucasus (Green Corridor of the North Caucasus)
Create a Green Corridor stretching nearly 1,500 kilometers from the Black to the Caspian seas along the Great Caucasus Range – the backbone of the Caucasus Mountains. The Green Corridor will incorporate protected areas, flora and fauna migration routes, corridors, stepping stones, and multiple-use areas into a continuous and efficiently managed system.   
Amount $250,000
Grant Term 1/06-12/08
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature - Russia
Assistance to Establishment of New Specially Protected Natural Area “Arevik” in Southern Armenia
Assist the government of Armenia in establishing a new protected area “Arevik” in Southern Armenia. The project site is located in an area of importance for corridor-wide conservation adjacent to the Shikahogh State Reserve and will complement recent CEPF and WWF investments to maintain the integrity of this critical area.
Amount $156,237
Grant Term 12/05-5/08
Grantee Ecotourism Association Public Organization
Building Capacity to Strengthen Conservation Alliances through CEPF Coordination and Grantmaking in the Caucasus
As the CEPF coordination mechanism for the Caucasus Hotspot, build civil society capacity to effectively engage in conserving the region's globally threatened species and unique biodiversity. Activities include raising awareness about the CEPF opportunity in the region, helping develop and assess grant proposals, directly managing a small grants program ($1.35 million of the total grant), communicating lessons learned, monitoring and evaluating the investment portfolio, and leveraging additional funding to ensure sustainability.
Amount $2,820,000
Grant Term 7/04-7/08
Grantee World Wide Fund for Nature
Related News and Products - WWF and CEPF Strengthening Conservation in the Caucasus Newsletter Archive
- From CEPF E-News, April 2005: 28 Grantees for New Caucasus Small Grants Fund
- From CEPF E-News, December 2004: Caucasus Coordination Team Reviews 260 Grant Applications
- Partnership Profile, October 2004: WWF Caucasus and CEPF
- Interview, July 2004 - Giorgi Sanadiradze: A Regional Leader in the Caucasus
- From CEPF E-News, June 2004: 51 Globally Threatened Species Get New Lease on Life in the Caucasus
Attending the Regional Stakeholder Meeting and Planning Workshop for the Project: Development of an IBA Caretaker Network in the 5 Priority Corridors
Provide support for a staff member from the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at Conservation International to attend a regional stakeholders workshop organized by WWF Caucasus to launch CEPF investment in the Caucasus hotspot and a second workshop organized by BirdLife International to develop an Important Bird Area Caretaker Network in the hotspot. Staff will assist participants in developing clear objectives and priority setting during both workshops to be held in June in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Amount $4,586
Grant Term 5/04-6/04
Grantee Conservation International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Results from the Caretakers in the Caucasus Workshop (PDF)
Planning Workshop for the Project: Development of an Important Bird Area Caretaker Network in the Five Priority Corridors
Enhance participatory development in a larger grant proposal through an international workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia. Through this forum the existence of a network of like-minded organizations associated with BirdLife in five countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia and Turkey—will provide a unique opportunity to increase civil society support to the 45 sites identified for birds in the priority corridors of the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot.
Amount $4,652
Grant Term 5/04-6/04
Grantee BirdLife International
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Results from the Caretakers in the Caucasus Workshop (PDF)  

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(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro