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Cape Floristic Region
Strategic Direction 3.  Support civil society efforts to create an institutional environment that enables effective conservation action
The Gamtoos Valley Collective Land Management Project Phase 1: Assessing the Viability of Collective Land Management as a Model for Conservation in the Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve Coastal Corridor
Conduct a three-month assessment to support a subsequent private landowner-based project in the Gamtoos Valley, a high-priority corridor linking the Baviaanskloof Megaresrve with the coast, and seek innovative ways (e.g. collective property management) to secure biodiversity on private land. The assessment will be used to develop a plan of action to secure hectares within the conservation estate while enhancing private landowners’ perceptions of the value of conservation initiatives.
Amount $14,990
Grant Term 11/05-1/06
Grantee Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Review of Collective Land Management (PDF)
Production of a Research Strategy to Support CFR Conservation
Develop a research strategy to support conservation in the Cape Floristic Region.  The strategy will focus research efforts to target the top priorities in support of conservation, assist organizations and universities to select the top priority topics for their research, and guide donors to support the most relevant project applications. Present the strategy at the August 2005 annual meeting of the Fynbos Forum.
Amount $7,817
Grant Term 5/05-10/05
Grantee Fynbos Forum
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 49 KB)
Ensuring an Effective Role for the Southern Cape Herbarium and Garden Route Botanical Garden in Conservation in the Southern Cape, South Africa
Develop a long-term business plan for the Southern Cape Herbarium and Botanical Garden, ensuring that the center is sustainable, appropriately resourced and relevant to users and able to provide services, support, information and data, as well as taxonomic expertise for conservation and biodiversity initiatives and projects in the Southern Cape.
Amount $18,334
Grant Term 3/04-12/04
Grantee Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Garden Route Botanical Garden Trust Newsletter - December 2005 (PDF) / October 2004 (PDF) / March 2004 (PDF)
Putting Biodiversity Plans to Work
Mainstream the use of systematic conservation plans in the land-use planning and decisionmaking system in the Western Cape Province to curtail habitat loss in priority areas for biodiversity conservation. Develop suitable materials and methodologies that interpret the outputs of fine-scale systematic conservation plans and test and apply these in pilot municipal areas. The project aims to lay the basis for the uptake of systematic conservation planning outputs in land-use planning and decisionmaking throughout the Western Cape.
Amount $206,342
Grant Term 1/04-6/06
Grantee Botanical Society of South Africa
Project Documents - Final report (PDF, 61 KB)
Related News and Products - Planning for Living Landscapes: Perspectives and Lessons from South Africa (PDF)
Investing in Technology to Build Communication and Financial Management Capacity for Civil Society Biodiversity Conservation NGOs in African Hotspots
Upgrade the Internet and video-conferencing facilities at the Kirstenbosch Research Centre (KRC), National Botanical Institute. Through this strategic investment, the KRC will improve its financial management ability in the Cape Floristic Region and the Succulent Karoo hotspots and catalyze a larger Internet technology development strategy to develop into a Center for Biodiversity Conservation.
Amount $60,214
Grant Term 10/03-10/04
Grantee South African National Biodiversity Institute ($27,020 grant), Conservation International ($33,194 grant)
This is a multiregional project covering two hotspots; the total grant amount is $120,428 (South African National Biodiversity Institute $54,040 and Conservation International $66,388).
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Creating Electronic Access to Information on the Red Data List Species and Endemic Plant Families of the Cape Floristic Region
Produce a complete geo-referenced electronic database of all relevant plant collections in the Bolus, Compton, and National herbariums, as well as GIS maps that indicate the number of rare and threatened species per cadastral unit for placing in the C.A.P.E. Conservation Planning Unit's Web site. This can be used for conservation planning and management in the three regions covered: Northern Cape, Western Cape, and Eastern Cape.
Amount $28,928
Grant Term 4/03-3/04
Grantee South African National Biodiversity Institute
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
First African Botanic Gardens Congress
Support participation of African delegates from the Cape Floristic Region, Guinean Forests of West Africa and Madagascar hotspots at the first African Botanic Gardens Conference in November 2002 in Durban, South Africa
Amount $2,250
Grant Term 11/02-3/03
Grantee Durban Botanic Gardens
This is a multiregional project covering three hotspots; the total grant amount is $11,250.
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Wilderness Concepts and Practice Training Courses for Western & Eastern Cape
Expand Wilderness Concepts and Practice Training courses to the Western Cape in 2002 and the Eastern Cape in 2003. These courses are held for wilderness area managers and supervisors, wilderness users, conservation-orientated organizations and interested person in wilderness conservation practice to raise awareness of the importance of wilderness areas, their special uses and necessary management.
Amount $8,550
Grant Term 9/02-8/03
Grantee Wilderness Action Group
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - From CEPF E-News, July 2003: First Wilderness Management Courses Held in Cape
Highlighting the Hotspots: Curating, Using and Sharing the C.A.P.E. Findings and Other Biodiversity Data in Support of Bioregional Planning and Land-Use Decisionmaking
Build on the foundation of a data resource center to ensure easy accessibility of biodiversity data and tools fundamental for prevention of ongoing encroachment into conservation-worthy areas and to facilitate land use decision-making. Provide data through a Web portal with online, e-mail help facilities and CD-ROMs and develop a business plan for sustainability of the C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit.
Amount $203,070
Grant Term 7/02-9/04
Grantee CapeNature (formerly Western Cape Nature Conservation Board)
Project Documents - Final report (PDF)
Related News and Products - Conservation Planning Unit project Web site
C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit
Ensure maximum complementary effort, technical support, effectiveness, and efficiency of CEPF implementation among partner organizations.
Amount $972,681
Grant Term 5/02-4/08
Grantee South African National Biodiversity Institute
Related News and Products - C.A.P.E e-news: August 31, 2007 / August 17, 2007 / August 6, 2007 / July 20, 2007 / June 29, 2007 / June 18, 2007 / June 1, 2007 / April 20, 2007 / March 23, 2007 / February 23, 2007 / January 26, 2007 / December 20, 2006 / October 10, 2006 / August 14, 2006 (PDF) / July 28, 2006 (PDF) / July 14, 2006 (PDF) / June 30, 2006 (PDF) / May 19, 2006 (PDF) / May 5, 2006 (PDF) / April 21, 2006 (PDF) / April 7, 2006 (PDF) / March 24, 2006 (PDF) / March 10, 2006 (PDF) / February 24, 2006 (PDF) / February 13, 2006 (PDF) / January 27, 2006 (PDF) / January 13, 2006 (PDF) / 2004 - 2005 Archive
- In Focus, July 2004: C.A.P.E. Partners' Conference
- From CEPF E-News, December 2002: Local Coordination Key to CEPF Expansion

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro