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Atlantic Forest
Strategic Direction 4.  Create an Action Fund to improve civil society identification and management of critical habitats
Protection of Threatened Species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Implement a small grants program to support efforts specifically aimed at addressing issues related to critically endangered species within the entire Atlantic Forest hotspot. This is one of the four core grant-making programs within the CEPF Atlantic Forest Program. The others are for capacity building and the support of private reserves (RPPNs).
Amount $599,989
Grant Term 10/03-12/06
Grantee Fundação Biodiversitas para Conservação da Diversidade Biológica
Related News and Products - In Focus, October 2004: Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
Small Grants Program - Institutional Development of NGOs in the Serra do Mar Corridor
Implement a small grants program aimed at building the capacity of local nongovernmental organizations in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest. Grants will not exceed $10,000 and are expected to reach 25-30 organizations based on a competitive proposal process.
Amount $350,000
Grant Term 7/03-9/06
Grantee Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado
Project Documents - Final report, Português (PDF, 220 KB)
Related News and Products - In Focus, October 2004: Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
- From CEPF E-News, January 2004: Small Grants Programs Make Significant Progress in Atlantic Forest
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Aprenda mais sobre este projeto no Eco-Index
Small Grant Program for the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest
Implement a small grants program aimed at building the capacity of local nongovernmental organizations in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest. Grants will not exceed $10,000 and are expected to reach 25-30 organizations based on a competitive proposal process.
Amount $400,000
Grant Term 5/03-3/06
Grantee Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia
Project Documents - Final report, Português (PDF, 52 KB)
- Related report: Fortalecimento Institucional no Corredor Central da Mata Atlântica, Português (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Related News and Products - In Focus, October 2004: Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
- From CEPF E-News, January 2004: Small Grants Programs Make Significant Progress in Atlantic Forest
- Learn more about this project in the Eco-Index
- Aprenda mais sobre este projeto no Eco-Index

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro;
(Fisherman) © CI, Haroldo Castro