Management Plan for Eucalyptus Trees in the União Biológical Reserve
Develop a management plan for exotic eucalyptus trees found within the Uniao Biological Reserve in the Serra do Mar Corridor. Activities will include geo-referencing of plantations, tracking natural and managed regeneration plots, and developing a plan for utilizing removed trees.
Strengthening Enforcement of Environmental Laws in the Atlantic Forest of the Central Corridor, Brazil
Develop a more streamlined system of environmental law enforcement in the Bahia State portion of the corridor. Activities include working with a recently established inter-institutional group to plan joint initiatives, host capacity building seminars for enforcement agencies, and aid in the identification and dissemination of best practices for implementing environmental legislation.
Coastal Environments of the Atlantic Forest - Phase 3
Develop a management plan for the Extractive Marine Reserve of Canavieiras so that this area effectively contributes to the conservation of local biodiversity and expands the network of protected areas in the Central biodiversity conservation corridor. The project specifically targets an important mangrove crab species, the caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus cordatus), one of the principle fishing resources of the area.
Community Awareness of Threatened Aquatic Species Among the River Islands of the Paraíba do Sul River
Bring conservation awareness to and mobilize action among the communities living around and using the lower-middle portion of the Paraiba do Sul River where extremely diverse fluvial islands are found. Ultimately, create and implement a protected area to conserve these very unique fluvial islands.
Hunting Effects on Bird and Mammal Populations in the Reserva Biológica do Tinguá
Evaluate the effects of hunting on bird and mammal populations within the Tingua Biological Reserve through the comparison of the abundance of certain species and the correlation of these numbers to hunting intensity, hunting records, and established links between the vulnerability to extinction of certain species and specific characteristics (such as weight, diet, and intrinsic growth rate).
Creation and Implementation of Protected Areas in the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest, with Emphasis on the Serra do Conduru State Park
Create and implement public protected areas while also promoting the necessary human development activities that will support the creation of a protected landscape in the region of the Serra do Conduru State Park in the Central Corridor. Included in the effort will be a regional public campaign supporting the implementation of the Conduru Management Plan and work with communities to improve their income generation through forest restoration activities.
Supporting the Implementation of Mosaics in Protected Areas in the Serra do Mar Corridor
Provide direct support to the creation and implementation of three mosaics of protected areas, contributing to the creation and conservation of biodiversity corridors in the Atlantic Forest. These three areas are all within the Serra do Mar Corridor and include Bocaina, Serra da Mantiqueira, and Serra de Petrópolis/ Teresópolis.
Brazilian World Heritage Biodiversity Program (Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves)
Make available $800,000, matching CEPF resources, to civil society organizations with solid project plans that meet the conservation strategy for the Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserve World Heritage Site in southern Bahia. This grant supports the Brazilian World Heritage Biodiversity Program's efforts in the Discovery Coast.
Vascular Plant Endemism in the Atlantic Forest Biome
Carry out a detailed assessment of the diversity and endemism of vascular plants in the Atlantic Forest with an aim of identifying areas of great importance for conservation. With the results of the assessments, the endemics will be mapped in detail allowing for the identification of centers of endemism and a new assessment of the most critical areas for conservation in the Atlantic Forest.
Increasing the Network of Protected Areas in the Bahian Portion of the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest - Phase I
Implement the first phase of the strategy to effectively protect the last remnants of the Atlantic Forest in the extreme south of Bahia, including helping finalize the proposal to expand two national parks and one biological reserve as well as create new protected areas totaling 312,893 hectares. This would represent an increase of 400 percent in the number of hectares under protection in the area.
Socioenvironmental Management Plan for the Protected Areas of Mantiqueira
Contribute to the improved management and protection of the Mantiqueira protected areas, conserving the species and habitat of the region and contributing to connectivity among protected areas.
Protecting and Restoring the Três Picos Buffer Zone: A Corridor Approach to Conserving Forest-Based Services and Biodiversity
As a strategy to restore and protect landscape connectivity within the corridor, catalyze forest protection and sustainable land-use management by private land users and community-based organizations in the areas surrounding the Tres Picos State Park.
Biodiversity Corridor of the Costa do Cacau
Develop and implement an integrated set of actions including agroforestry extension, landscape planning, public policy and environmental awareness compatible with the concept of biological corridors with the long-term objective of creating a mosaic of protected areas and diversified economic activities able to support and maintain biodiversity in the Costa do Cacau, Southern Bahia.