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Program for the Incentive to Natural Heritage Private Reserves benefits 19 projects in the Atlantic Forest

Results of the First Edict/2003

(From the the Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest)

São Paulo (June 9, 2003)—The first edict of the Program for the Incentive to Natural Heritage Private Reserves, launched in February 2002, received 44 proposals from owners, and Associations of Owners, of reserves. Nineteen projects were chosen as the first beneficiaries totaling US$ 145,000.

The concept driving this Program is that there is a “desire for conservation” latent in private land owners, since even with the few incentives existing today, there is a continuous growth in the creation of RPPNs, a special type of protected area. The project, therefore, directs resources to projects that provide for the sustainability of the already existing RPPNs, and for the creation of new reserves.

Currently, the Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest, a partnership between Conservation International - Brasil and Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica, is investing a total of US$ 877,000 in the Program through grants from the Fundo de Parceria para Ecossistemas Críticos (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) and from Bradesco Bank. The Program is funded for a four-year period and has a goal of reaching US$ 1 million to promote the conservation of biodiversity through private owners.

The proposed projects to be funded under the Program are anticipated to contribute to a significant increase of area protected in the Biodiversity Corridors of the Atlantic Forest – (8,6 million hectares in the Central Corridor and 7,5 million hectares in the Serra do Mar Corridor). The Program is creating conditions for the sustainability and creation of activities in the following RPPNs:

  1. RPPN Mata Viva, Silva Jardim (RJ)
  2. RPPN Cafundó, Cachoeira do Itapemirim (ES)
  3. RPPN Fazenda Bom Retiro, Casimiro de Abreu (RJ)
  4. RPPN Mitra do Bispo, Bocaina de Minas (MG)
  5. RPPN Serra do Teimoso, Jussari (BA)
  6. RPPN Paraíso, Uruçuca, (BA)
  7. RPPN São João, Ilhéus (BA)
  8. RPPN Fazenda Água Branca, Valença (BA)
  9. RPPN Rizzieri, São Sebastião (SP)
  10. RPPN Ecoparque de Una, Una (BA)
  11. RPPN Fazenda Araraúna, Una (BA)
  12. RPPN Resgate I, Alto Jequitibá (MG)
  13. RPPN Pedra do Sabiá, Itacaré (BA)
  14. Recognition of new RPPNs in the Bahia portion of the Central Corridor of the Atlantic Forest
    --Preserva/IESB/Flora Brasil
  15. Fazenda Ecológica Engenho da Serra, Itamonte (MG)
  16. Creation and implementation of the RPPN Pedra do Baú, São Bento do Sapucaí (SP)
  17. Support to the creation of the RPPN Recanto Paulo da Cruz, Educandário São Paulo, Mairiporã (SP)
  18. Proposal of support to the creation of the RPPN Ave Lavrinhas, Bocaina de Minas (MG)
  19. Resgate II - Criação de RPPN - Fundação Vida Meio Ambiente, Alto Jequitibá (MG)

The Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest consists of the joining of efforts of two NGOs, Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica and Conservation International do Brasil (CI do Brasil), in joint activities in favor of the protection and conservation of the biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest. For more information regarding the programs and Projects of the Alliance, visit www.aliancamataatlantica.org.br.

Created in 1986, Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica is a private entity created to promote the conservation of the rich natural historical and cultural heritage existing in the Atlantic Forest, as well as valorizing the human communities that live there. The organization develops projects of conservation, production of data, campaigns, and action strategies in the area of public policy and programs of environmental education, citizen awareness, sustainable development and protection and maintenance of ecosystems. For more information regarding the programs of SOS Mata Atlântica, visit www.sosmataatlantica.org.br.

Conservation International do Brasil has been active in the country since 1990, seeking strategies that promote the development of sustainable economical alternatives, compatible with the conservation of the biodiversity, taking into consideration the local realities and the particular needs of the communities. The different projects have been developed in the great Brazilian biomes: Atlantic Forest, the Amazon and Cerrado-Pantanal. CI-Brasil stands out because of the collaboration with local and regional NGOs, research institutions, government agencies and private companies in carrying out its projects. For more information regarding the projects of CI-Brasil, visit www.conservation.org.br.

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