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CEPF Council Approves Expansion

May 11, 2007

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) recently won approval from the CEPF Donor Council for an expansion to three more of Asia’s biologically richest and most threatened regions.

The Council approved strategic investment plans, known as ecosystem profiles, for the Indo-Burma, Polynesia-Micronesia, and Western Ghats and Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspots April 26.

The approval includes $9.5 million for the Indochina region of Indo-Burma, $7 million for Polynesia-Micronesia, and $4.5 million for the Western Ghats region extending along the west coast of India.

"CEPF support will enable hundreds of new partners to make a difference in these highly threatened regions," said Jorgen Thomsen, CEPF executive director.

Nongovernmental organizations and other civil society groups will be able to apply for grants to help implement the investment strategies, which were developed with diverse stakeholders in the regions. A major CEPF goal is to enable civil society to take part in conserving the hotspots.

The first step for CEPF in the expansion is developing requests for proposals to recruit a regional implementation team for each hotspot based on new terms of reference and selection criteria, also approved by the Donor Council.

Each team will provide strategic leadership in the hotspot, building a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries toward achieving the shared conservation goals identified in the profiles.

Further information, including the full profiles and requests for proposals, will be available soon.

Get the full Regional Implementation Team Terms of Reference and Selection Process (PDF, 45 KB)

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© Anup Shah/npl/Minden Pictures
The douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), also known as the red-shanked douc, is one of 67 globally threatened animal species to benefit from CEPF investment in Indochina.

Learn about the Indo-Burma, Polynesia-Micronesia, and Western Ghats and Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspots on www.biodiversityhotspots.org

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