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Conference Recommendations

  1. Monitoring and evaluation
    Develop monitoring and evaluation system and guidelines for implementation - monitoring of performance, changes to biodiversity, changes to quality of life, etc.

  2. Funding sustainability
    Enable funding for priority action and program

  3. Cross-sectoral engagement and support
    -Involving and engaging with other sectors that affect C.A.P.E. goals, innovating ways to inspire action, volunteer opportunities, engaging estate agents, property developers, tourism

  4. Business and biodiversity
    Eco-labeling and certification, BEE, formalizing links with industry
    - Encouraging entrepreneurship (and links to required skills)

  5. Stewardship
    Capacity for extension, tools for enhancing extension, enhancing law enforcement capacity
    - Understanding the economic basis for landowner decisions

  6. Influencing land-use decisions
    - Land-use planning and decisionmaking, empowering decision makers
    - Addressing inappropriate land use decisions – golf courses

  7. Models for complex multi-institutional protected areas
    Governance and institutional arrangements in mega-reserves, biosphere reserves, etc.
    - Biosphere reserves – evaluation of model

  8. Conservation education and capacity building
    Capacity-building priorities, marketing vs. education
    Is conservation education linked to broader developmental needs of youth?

  9. Water, marine and aliens issues
    Invasive alien management, catchment management and water resource issues, marine priorities

  10. Involving communities
    Urban conservation, benefits to communities, understanding links to poverty alleviation (urban focus), documenting community conservation successes, community participation in all C.A.P.E. activities, reconciling people with nature, innovating ways to inspire action

  11. Communication
    Involving and engaging the broader community, communication between projects, the learning network, expansion of communication among C.A.P.E. partners, the influence of C.A.P.E. in other national programs

  12. Land reform processes
    - Use of land reform processes (opportunities)
    - Engaging with land redistribution/ restitution processes

  13. C.A.P.E. Governance
    Enhanced mandate for bioregional program implementation, communicating governance arrangements in C.A.P.E. for all stakeholders, community participation in all C.A.P.E. fora, formal declaration of C.A.P.E. as bioregional programme under Biodiversity Act

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© C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit
MEC for Environment and Development Planning Tasneen Essop (left) talks with Marthinus van Schalkwyk, the minister of environmental affairs and tourism, during the partners' conference.

© C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit
Participants take a break at the conference, where they joined hundreds of partners in reviewing progress, sharing lessons learned and planning for the future.

More than 260 people recently gathered for the Cape Action for People and the Environment first partners’ conference. The results include this set of 13 recommendations. Read the main story.

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Photo credits for banner images: (Frog) © CI, Haroldo Castro; (Chameleon) © CI, Russell A. Mittermeier