The Philippines

May 11, 2007
Assessments Completed in Six Additional Regions
New assessments found that Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) investments have helped build civil society as an effective force for long-term biodiversity conservation in six more of the world’s most threatened regions.

January 2007
Philippine Crocodile Comeback
Although the Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) continues to be the most severely threatened crocodile species in the world, support from CEPF has helped a conservation group work with local communities in the Philippines Hotspot to bring it back from the brink of extinction.

August 2006
Traditional Management Boosts Conservation
A local nongovernmental organization has been working with a tribal organization, along with municipal and provincial authorities, to develop sustainable watershed management as a means of conserving lowland forest in the Philippines.

June 2006
Partners in Peñablanca
For years, unsustainable slash and burn farming has destroyed the fauna and flora that thrive in the northeastern Sierra Madre Mountains of the Philippines Hotspot. Three civil society groups working on complementary projects are now helping local partners secure a long-term sustainable future for themselves and their rich natural heritage.

May 2006
Philippine Conservationists Forge Closer Ties
Conservationists across the Philippines Hotspot are working more cooperatively through the exchange of research results, lessons learned, and models for best practice at events such as the recent 15th Annual Philippine Biodiversity Symposium.

August 2005
After the Flood – Big Business Helps Cast Watersheds In New Light
Millions of pesos in damage and even hundreds of lives lost in the most recent spate of disasters in the Philippines may not be in vain. The toll helped persuade Philippine big businesses that sustainable development and conservation are critical to the bottom line.

July 2005
World Bank and CEPF Strengthen Ties in Asia
Representatives from the World Bank, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), and governments from several Asian countries met in late June at the third in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.

November 2004
Marketing Social Change
Thirteen individuals in nine biodiversity hotspots are being trained in social marketing and the art of convincing local communities and governments that conservation is key. The project brings promising individuals and local groups together with the support of Rare and Conservation International’s global communications team

October 2004
Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
What can you do with $100? This small sum could be the lever for saving one of the world’s most threatened primates, preserving threatened forest or enabling hundreds of people to invigorate their local economies.

March 2004
New Protected Area Action for Indonesia and the Philippines
The governments of Indonesia and the Philippines recently announced actions that are key to preserving land for the Sumatran tiger, the Sumatran elephant and the Philippine eagle as well as hundreds of indigenous communities.

January 2004
Chainsaws Confiscated in Palawan Community Direct Action
Three unregistered chainsaws used to cut down protected trees in Rizal have been confiscated in a Direct Community Action, bringing the total number of chainsaw confiscations in the Philippines province of Palawan to 12 in five months.

November 2003
Arroyo Expands Peñablanca Protected Area
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo recently signed a presidential proclamation expanding the Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape from 4,136 hectares to 118,108 hectares, creating the largest block of forest under conservation management in the Philippines.

November 2003
Blueprint to Halt Asia’s Bird Extinction Crisis
BirdLife launched a groundbreaking guide Nov. 12 to help governments and civil society prevent the extinction of Asia's birds, one in eight of which is under threat.

October 2003
Building Capacity Key Part of Grant Process
CEPF and its partners who help coordinate implementation at the regional level spend extensive time introducing CEPF to civil society organizations and helping potential applicants understand the application process and refine project designs—a hands-on approach that builds capacity as part of the process.

August 2003
Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Amid the diverse student population of Kent University in England, a multinational team is nearing the end of an intensive 10 weeks of specialized training to become community educators with a single mission: to promote local pride in the environment in some of the planet's most threatened ecosystems.

June 2003
Haribon Foundation Champions Events for Philippines Conservation
The Haribon Foundation's new Threatened Species Program recently co-sponsored this year's Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines Symposium, led a workshop on threatened vertebrate species and conducted a field course for 12 graduate students and practicing conservationists.

May 2003
Team Records Philippine Eagle
A survey team recently recorded the first sighting of the critically endangered Philippine eagle in the Peñablanca forests in five years. Its presence strengthens the case for the expansion of the Peñablanca Protected Landscape as a core area of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor.

April 2003
New Program to Save Species in the Philippines
The Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources has launched a comprehensive program to arrest species loss in the Philippines biodiversity hotspot. The program, made possible by a CEPF grant, includes support for site-based action by nongovernmental organizations and for conservation research grants and training courses.

March 2002
CEPF Expands to Nine Hotspots
This year marks a major expansion for CEPF with grants for conservation projects now available in six additional biodiversity hotspots. The total amount available in these hotspots is $41.5 million over five years.