Atlantic Forest

May 11, 2007
Assessments Completed in Six Additional Regions
New assessments found that Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) investments have helped build civil society as an effective force for long-term biodiversity conservation in six more of the world’s most threatened regions.

March 16, 2007
Citizens of Caraíva, Unite!
With support from CEPF, Instituto Cidade is engaging local farmers, landowners, and community officials to develop a regional environmental action network in the Rio Caraíva watershed in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot.

January 22, 2007
New Management Strategy for Atlantic Forest
The Brazilian government recently announced the creation of three new mosaics of protected areas in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. The mosaics will help provide an integrated managment strategy for 51 protected areas in the Serra do Mar biodiversity conservation corridor.

December 2006
A New Biodiversity Corridor for the Atlantic Forest
A Brazilian conservation organization helped communities create detailed maps and develop and implement management plans for the protection of the 1.1-million-hectare Mantiqueira Corridor. The Corridor will link five protected areas and protect forest fragments that fall within the state of Minas Gerais in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot.

December 2006
Study by CEPF Partner Wins Award
SAVE Brasil received first place in a regional prize for environmental advancement for a study it performed on Critically Endangered cherry-throated tanagers.

July 2006
Local Fishermen Key to New Reserve
A nongovernmental organization in Brazil’s northeastern state of Bahia has worked with local fishermen to establish the Reserva Extrativista Marinha de Canavieiras. This 100,000-hectare reserve forms an important part of the Atlantic Forest Hotspot’s protected area network while also preserving the livelihood of the nearby communities.

April 2005
Ecotuba to the Rescue
A recipient of a small grant from a CEPF-supported organization in Brazil is helping save the local population of mango mud crabs, and also helping local crab catchers improve their quality of life.

March 2005
Making Conservation Work with the Private Sector
Innovative partnerships are key to preserving the Atlantic Forest Hotspot, where urban areas and privately owned land dominate much of the landscape. Instituto BioAtlântica is making a difference by bringing conservation groups and private companies together.

February 2005
World Bank, CEPF Forge Greater Links
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, local civil society groups and governments across Latin America recently met to explore improving linkages between CEPF and Bank operations.

December 2004
959 Species Threatened in Brazil's Espírito Santo
One-fifth of the biological wealth known to science in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo is threatened with extinction, according to a new Red List for the state created in an initiative led by Instituto de Pesquisas da Mata Atlântica.

November 2004
Marketing Social Change
Thirteen individuals in nine biodiversity hotspots are being trained in social marketing and the art of convincing local communities and governments that conservation is key. The project brings promising individuals and local groups together with the support of Rare and Conservation International’s global communications team

October 2004
Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
What can you do with $100? For groups receiving support from our diverse small grants funds, this small sum could be the lever for saving one of the world’s most threatened primates, preserving threatened forest or enabling hundreds of people to invigorate their local economies.

January 2004
Small Grants Programs Make Significant Progress in Atlantic Forest
CEPF now has in operation three small grant programs to provide support to the local coordination of its strategy in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot.

November 2003
Rainforest Alliance Launches Expanded Eco-Index
English / Español
Now it is easier than ever to find detailed information about conservation projects in Latin America through the Eco-Index, an Internet resource managed by the Rainforest Alliance. The Alliance launched a redesigned and expanded Eco-Index site earlier this month to help busy conservationists more speedily discover what their colleagues are doing in the region.

August 2003
Alliance Approves 19 Small Grants for Private Reserves
The Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest recently approved small grants for 13 projects that will help ensure sustainable management of existing private reserves and six projects that will help establish at least 17 new reserves in the Central and Serra do Mar conservation corridors in Brazil.

August 2003
Students Get Off to Strong Start for Conservation Education
Amid the diverse student population of Kent University in England, a multinational team is nearing the end of an intensive 10 weeks of specialized training to become community educators with a single mission: to promote local pride in the environment in some of the planet's most threatened ecosystems.

March 2003
New Grants for Atlantic Forest Landowners
Small grants are now available from the Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest to assist landowners in managing existing private reserves and creating new ones in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. The alliance, which includes Conservation International-Brasil and SOS Mata Atlântica, is a leading force in the hotspot's conservation.

December 2002
Local Coordination Key to CEPF Expansion
Key to success is ensuring that the right organizations are involved in the right projects from the outset. As part of its expansion in 2002, CEPF launched a new approach to coordinate and expand its portfolio from the ground.

November 2002
Rainforest Alliance to Expand Virtual Conservation Resource in Neotropics
Eco-Index, a Web-based, bilingual almanac of nearly 400 conservation projects in Mesoamerica, will be dramatically expanded over the next year. The expansion will include adding more projects in the region and projects in the Atlantic Forest, Chocó-Darién-Western Ecuador and Tropical Andes hotspots as part of a CEPF grant approved in late October.

March 2002
CEPF Expands to Nine Hotspots
This year marks a major expansion for CEPF with grants for conservation projects now available in six additional biodiversity hotspots. The total amount available in these hotspots is $41.5 million over five years.