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Green Habits To Help The Environment In Everyday Life

10 green habits to help the environment in everyday life

We are all aware now of how important it is to protect the environment. Great actions remain in the hands of world governments, but we too can contribute with daily gestures to a greener world.

As we will see, many of these behaviors are not only good for the planet, but also for our health and our pockets.

  1. Leave the car at home

To reduce air pollution, using alternative means to the car can make a difference. Sustainable mobility is an increasingly important issue and the options available are now numerous. In addition to public transport, you can choose car sharing, that is, sharing the journey by car with other people.

Of course, nothing beats cycling or walking. These choices are not only green, they also help you stay fit and save.

  1. Reduce paper waste

To avoid unnecessary waste of paper, you can replace the newspaper you buy every day with a subscription to the digital edition. The same goes for your favorite magazines: you can easily continue to inform yourself without creating unnecessary waste.

Even paper flyers can be replaced thanks to online services such as Kimbo, which with a click gives you access to offers in every sector of the large-scale retail trade.

  1. Avoid single-use

Since this year the EU has banned single-use plastics, but you can do even more by avoiding disposable in general. Reusable water bottles and canvas shopping bags are already a must, but why stop there?

For example, you can use cloth napkins and handkerchiefs instead of paper ones and thus create less waste. The rolls of absorbent kitchen paper can then be replaced with multipurpose clothes made from old T-shirts.

  1. Eat less meat

We are well aware that industrial meat production has a huge negative impact on the environment.

However, there is no need to become vegan overnight to live more sustainably. Starting with a flexitarian diet, which includes only plant products for a few days a week, is already a great step. Switching to a diet that is richer in fruits and vegetables is also good for your health.

  1. Stop wasting food

Every year, hundreds of tons of food end up in the garbage, yet it doesn’t take much to avoid this waste at home.

Keep an eye on the expiration dates of the products you have in the refrigerator and plan your meals accordingly. Foods such as eggs and milk can often still be consumed after the date shown on the package: smell them and check their consistency so as not to throw them unnecessarily.

  1. Choose local products

Zero kilometer fruit and vegetables are a greener choice because they reduce CO2 emissions related to transport. They also promote the short supply chain, supporting the local economy and small producers in your region.

Organic and seasonal products are by far the most eco-sustainable option, as well as guaranteeing you fresh and healthy food.

  1. Switch to smart working

The advantages of smart working are there for all to see: less pollution, fewer traffic jams, and even more concentration and better performance. Working remotely reduces emissions related to transport and those from electricity and heating in the offices themselves

You will then have more time to devote to your family, your interests, or just sleep a little longer.

  1. Save water

Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or soaping in the shower is super easy, yet it saves you tens of liters of water every day. The same applies when you use the washing machine and dishwasher with full loads.

You can also install a flow reducer in all the taps in the house. With a small expense, you consume up to 50% less water. Great for the environment and for your pocket.

  1. Reduce your electricity consumption

Devices left on standby consume electricity even when we are not using them. Switched power strips allow you to save up to 11% of electricity: so remember to turn them all off before going to sleep.

The low consumption LED bulbs, then, make you save 75% compared to normal ones.

10. Buy fewer new products

In an increasingly consumerist society, we are used to throwing away broken objects and buying a new one. This attitude, however, generates enormous quantities of waste that end up in landfills.

Fixing broken things, whether it’s a T-shirt, a piece of furniture, or a smartphone, gives them a second life, helping to protect the planet.

If there is absolutely no way to repair the item, replacing it with a second-hand option is far preferable to purchasing a new product.

You may also like to read, 10 practices to acquire habits that contribute to the health of adults and children

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