Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot

The 4,500 islands of this remote Pacific biodiversity hotspot include Micronesia, tropical Polynesia, and Fiji, and are home to more than 3 million inhabitants in 20 different countries and territories. Despite its expansive ocean coverage, the land area of the hotspot covers only 47,239 square kilometers or about the size of Switzerland.

The biological diversity of the Polynesia-Micronesia Hotspot is one of the most highly threatened in the world, with just 21 percent of the region’s original vegetation remaining in pristine condition.

Approximately three-fourths of the Endangered species in the hotspot are threatened by invasive animal and plant species.

Socioeconomic changes and population growth in the region have meant more dependence on cash-crop production, increased deforestation, over-harvesting of resources, and the use of destructive harvesting techniques. These practices have significantly reduced and degraded existing habitats of threatened species.

The council of donors that governs the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) approved a $7-million, 5-year investment strategy for this hotspot in April 2007.

CEPF investment in this hotspot will begin with the selection of a regional implementation team.

Four strategic directions will guide CEPF's approach in this hotspot. Each project must be linked to one of the strategic directions to be approved for funding:
  1. Prevent, control, and eradicate invasive species in key biodiversity areas.
  2. Strengthen the conservation status and management of 60 key biodiversity areas.
  3. Build awareness and participation of local leaders and community members in the implementation of protection and recovery plans for threatened species.
  4. Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of CEPF investment through a regional implementation team.

A full description of these strategic directions and related investment priorities can be found in the ecosystem profile for this region.Polynesia-Micronesia

Ecosystem profile
Investment priorities
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