Indo-Burma Investment Priorities

Strategic Directions Investment Priorities
1. Safeguard priority globally threatened species in Indochina by mitigating major threats

1.1   Identify and secure core populations of 67 globally threatened species from overexploitation and illegal trade

1.2   Implement public awareness campaigns that reinforce existing wildlife trade policies and contribute to the reduction of consumer demand for 67 globally threatened species and their products

1.3   Investigate the status and distribution of globally threatened plant species, and apply the results to planning, management, awareness raising and/or outreach

1.4   Assess the global threat status of selected freshwater taxa and integrate the results into planning processes for the conservation of wetland biodiversity and development plans in the Mekong River and its major tributaries

1.5   Conduct research on 12 globally threatened species for which there is a need for greatly improved information on their status and distribution

1.6   Publish local-language reference materials on globally threatened species
2. Develop innovative, locally led approaches to site-based conservation at 28 key biodiversity areas

2.1  Establish innovative local-stakeholder-based conservation management and caretaking initiatives at 28 key biodiversity areas

2.2  Develop regional standards and programs that address overexploitation of biodiversity and pilot at selected sites
3. Engage key actors in reconciling biodiversity conservation and development objectives, with a particular emphasis on the Northern Limestone Highlands and Mekong River and its major tributaries

3.1   Support civil society efforts to analyze development policies, plans and programs, evaluate their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and propose alternative development scenarios and appropriate mitigating measures

3.2   Support initiatives that leverage support for biodiversity conservation from development projects and programs

3.3  Conduct targeted outreach and awareness raising for decisionmakers, journalists, and lawyers
4. Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of CEPF investment through a regional implementation team

4.1  Build a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries toward achieving the shared conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile


Ecosystem profile
Investment priorities
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