Guinean Forests Investment Priorities

Strategic Directions Investment Priorities
1.  Strengthening institutional capacity of local civil society groups for conservation 1.1  Workshops and/or training programs directed toward local NGOs. Examples:
– proposal writing skills
– conflict resolution
– fundraising techniques
– enterprise development
– NGO management practices (financial & operational)
– communication techniques
– law enforcement (guards & rangers)
1.2  Comprehensive biological surveys and other field activities, with the participation of local conservationists and groups as collaborators and trainers, carried out across the hotspot region involving hands-on training in several conservation-related themes
1.3  Targeted surveys and assessments conducted to fill gaps identified in current provisions for existing national inventory programs.These targeted areas will be selected based on the following criteria:
– Areas rated by the Conservation Priority-setting Workshop as having high needs for biological research
– Areas rated from the Conservation Priority-setting Workshop as having high biological value
– Areas from which the generated information will have immediate practical value to address priority management challenges
– Areas in which biological assessments would be feasible, considering issues of political stability especially
1.4  Support provided to the development of university networks such as:
– exchange programs
– collaborative research efforts
– study programs
2.  Hotspot biodiversity monitoring system 2.1  Support provided for the establishment of a hotspot-wide biodiversity database. Includes the participation, training and eventual employment of local individuals and groups
2.2  Team established to maintain the monitoring system: to process collected data, input data into the system (database), ensure necessary dissemination mechanisms are in place and functioning
2.3  Establishment of a baseline of current knowledge on regional and national level biodiversity indicators supported and incorporated into a Monitoring system. Includes supporting possible links to other systems such as the ECOWAS "Early Warning System" and/or ADB monitoring system.
2.4  Development of a network to provide access for researchers, policy-makers, NGOs and managers
3.  Promotion of the concept of biodiversity conservation corridors. 3.1  Initiatives that identify threats to biodiversity concerns as well as possible integration opportunities into public and private sectors:
– Roundtable policy dialogues
– Participatory planning workshops
– Regional/Binational conferences to develop best practices for various industries
– Agroforestry, watershed management, mining, tourism, conflict resolution, health and other types of targeted projects.
– Conservation finance assessments
– Private sector conservation opportunities assessment
– Targeted support for sustainable proetected area management efforts
3.2  Opportunities for transfrontier conservation initiatives that involve multi-national participation supported. These might include as examples:

Sierra Leone - Liberia where there is a need for:
– rapid biological assessments
– updating the current state of remote sensing

Liberia - Cote d'Ivoire where there is a need for:
– updating the state of scientific knowledge
– conducting biological surveys
– building capacity within forest development authority
– reassessment of protected area network
–measuring the impact of conservation activities on wildlife
– development of regional tourism

Cote d'Ivoire - Ghana where there is a need for:
– law enforcement training
– conservation education training
– GIS/landuse management capability training

3.3  Series of case studies developed and exchanges with Lower Guinea and other regions supporting the development of best practices for implementing transfrontier initiatives supported
3.4  Mechanisms for corridor coordination
3.5  Integration of socio-economic issues into biodiversity management and planning
4.  Collaborative public awareness, education, and community outreach programs. 4.1  National level awareness and information campaigns funded to:
– educate consumers about impacts of bushmeat trade & unregulated hunting
– inform judiciaries about wildlife laws and regulations
– conduct flagship species awareness programs (manatees, sea turtles and others)
4.2  Support to grassroot & NGO activities in innovative programs such as enterprise development and environmental education.

5.  Small grants (Biodiversity Action Fund) 5.1  Fast response mechanism provided to address immediate, unpredicted biodiversity conservation needs within the region. Individual grants not to exceed $10,000.

* Note: CEPF is not accepting letters of inquiry for the Guinean Forests of West Africa Hotspot at this time. Get more information about our related funding mechanisms or other funding resources.

Guinean Forests of West Africa

Investment Priorities
Full Strategy
Project Database for this Region