Aug. 10, 2007
The Amphibian Action Fund, a small grants program that supports projects to conserve globally threatened amphibians, recently received a significant funding boost.
Andrew Sabin, an individual with a passion for amphibians, has pledged $1 million over the next 4 years to support the Fund’s amphibian conservation efforts and to help leverage further funding.
“This generous gift will allow us to take amphibian conservation to the next level and achieve incredible results on the ground,” said Robin Moore, an amphibian conservation officer with the Fund.
With around a third of amphibian species threatened with extinction globally, there is a pressing need to implement conservation action in critical regions. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) support for the Fund provides grants up to $10,000 for projects aimed at research, capacity building, and concrete conservation action that reverses the decline of threatened endemic species in biodiversity hotspots.
Arizona State University manages the small grants program, in partnership with the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group.
For more information, contact , Amphibian Conservation Officer, Amphibian Action Fund.