Local Coordination Key to CEPF Expansion

December 2002

Key to success is ensuring that the right organizations are involved in the right projects from the outset. As part of its expansion in 2002, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) launched a new approach to coordinate and expand its portfolio from the ground.

The approach centers on engaging locally based coordinators in diverse ways tailored to the specific region. These coordinators help lay the groundwork, expand the reach and exponentially increase the level of local engagement and support.

In the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, exploration of how best to coordinate pointed to local organizations themselves. Grant agreements are under way with Conservation International-Brasil, Fundação Biodivérsitas, Associação Mico-Leão-Dourado, Instituto de Estudos Sócio-Ambientais do Sul da Bahia and SOS Mata Atlântica to coordinate vital aspects of the CEPF strategy in the region.

These include small grants programs to build capacity among local organizations, programs to support the creation of private reserves and focus efforts on protecting critically endangered species and a locally based strategic coordination mechanism.

In the Cape Floristic Region in South Africa, the CEPF strategy focuses on catalyzing civil society action on the most urgent priorities in the Cape Action Plan for the Environment (C.A.P.E.) funded by the Global Environment Facility and the World Bank. Here, CEPF determined coordination would best come from the center: the C.A.P.E. Coordination Unit. This independent unit is responsible for coordinating and engaging C.A.P.E.'s many implementing agencies, donors and stakeholders. It now coordinates CEPF implementation in the hotspot as part of a special five-year grant.

Explore the C.A.P.E. interactive project map with links to all affiliated project sites with photos, information and contact details for each project.