Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands
Oct. 8, 2007
Mapping One Of The Most Bio-Diverse Countries Of The World
With support from CEPF, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and its partners have used state-of-the art remote sensing technology and methodologies to produce the first vegetation atlas of Madagascar.
March 30, 2007
Protecting the Plants of Madagascar
Most often known for its exotic fauna found nowhere else on earth, Madagascar also features nearly 12,000 plant species that are chiefly threatened by unsustainable natural resource management practices. Working with local, regional, and national partners, the Missouri Botanical Garden is helping to solve this problem by raising the profile of plant conservation across the hotspot.
July 2006
Global Symposium Produces "Madagascar Declaration"
A global environmental conference convened in Madagascar pointed to Africa’s rich biodiversity as fundamental to achieving sustainable development and reducing poverty.
January 2006
Madagascar's Protected Area Network Grows by 1 Million Hectares in 2005
The recent declaration of 875,000 hectares of protected area in three locations in Madagascar meets the 2005 target of 1 million hectares, part of the overall commitment of tripling the island’s protected areas by 2008. Funding from CEPF helped make this possible.
August 2005
Malagasy Communities' Win Benefits Fish Eagle
Two community associations recently won approval from the government of Madagascar to manage wetland sites that provide important natural resources for their local villages and habitat for the Critically Endangered Madagascar fish eagle.
June 2005
June is Madagascar Month!
With CEPF support, science journalist Daniel Grossman traveled extensively in Madagascar, and has created a web site featuring interviews, photographs, and other material highlighting the richness of the island's biodiversity- all timed to coincide with this month's release in Hollywood of the animated movie.
May 2005
World Bank and CEPF Build Greater Links in Africa
Representatives from the World Bank, CEPF, the United Nations Development Program, and governments from several African countries met in late April at the second in a series of regional meetings to explore how to improve linkages between the CEPF initiative and Bank operations.
October 2004
Small Grants - Big Community Ripples
What can you do with $100? For groups receiving support from our diverse small grants funds, this small sum could be the lever for saving one of the world’s most threatened primates, preserving threatened forest or enabling hundreds of people to invigorate their local economies.
February 2004
Peregrine Fund, Communities Stabilize Madagascar Fish Eagle Population
Despite damaging encroachment on its fish diet and forest habitat, the Madagascar fish eagle is making a tentative comeback thanks to the guardianship of local fishing communities as part of a project by The Peregrine Fund. Recent surveys have identified 18 male and nine female Madagascar fish eagle and now also seven fledglings.
February 2004
Sakalava Rail Sighted in Madagascar Wetlands
A survey team recently recorded the Critically Endangered Sakalava rail (Amaurornis olivieri), one of Madagascar’s rarely seen birds, during a capacity-building project that included targeted surveys at high priority Important Bird Areas.
January 2004
Connecting Conservationists In Africa
Information is key to effective conservation: collecting it, making sense of it and doing something with it. Two former Reuters news service correspondents, a chartered accountant and others have teamed together to develop a news service about Africa that will work in all three of these areas in the first dedicated service of its kind. And now you can help.
October 2003
Building the Next Generation of Malagasy Biologists
A new generation of conservation biologists is emerging in Madagascar thanks to a partnership project between Malagasy universities and WWF-Madagascar that has seen 30 carefully selected students move into the conservation arena. As part of the program, CEPF support is enabling three students to finish their doctorate degrees and at least 25 others to participate in special field schools.
September 2002
BirdLife to Build Constituency for Conservation in Madagascar
BirdLife International has embarked on an initiative to establish a Malagasy organization as an official partner, a long-term project that will help meet a critical need for conservation capacity building in Madagascar. The project will also help build a national constituency for bird and biodiversity conservation.
March 2002
Association Fanamby
Association Fanamby is a rising star in Madagascar as a nongovernmental organization with the ability to undertake effective, collaborative initiatives at high levels and within communities. Among the beneficiaries is the endangered golden-crowned sifaka.