Pride Campaign: Cape Floristic Region

Country: South Africa

Partner: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality

Campaign Manager: Clyde Scott

Project Area: Van der Klemp's Kloof, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, within the Grassy Mountains Fynbos Biome

Principal Threats: Threats include over-harvesting of plants, overgrazing, fire, development, poaching, and vandalism. Fueling these threats are the lack of awareness, lack of law enforcement, drought and poverty.

Project Goal: To conserve the plant and animal life of the northern areas of Port Elizabeth including the protected area - Van der Kemp's Kloof - today and for future generations

Flagship Species: The craneflower (Strelizia juncea)

Campaign Slogan: Discover the Power of our Flower

Notable Information from the Questionnaire Survey:

Campaign SMART Objectives:

Highlights from the Results (based on pre- and post-campaign surveys):