Association Fanamby

In Focus, March 2002

Association Fanamby is a rising star in Madagascar as an NGO with the ability to undertake effective, collaborative initiatives at high levels and within communities. Among the beneficiaries is the endangered golden-crowned sifaka lemur.

The organization focuses upon an ecosystem approach to conservation. Its small team specializes in establishing conservation and development programs in areas identified as national priorities for the establishment of protected areas.

It's also an ideal Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) partner because of both its biogeographic focus and its approach to daily business. In all its activities, the association emphasizes involving and strengthening civil society and building partnerships to accomplish outcomes.

"Civil society and partnerships are important because when the Fanamby project and financing from outside are no longer available, civil society and local community partnerships will be the sustaining force behind continued conservation efforts," says Serge Rajaobelina, Association Fanamby secretary general. "It is important to teach the value and processes necessary for conservation."

Since its inception in 1995, the association has established a protected area management project in the Anjozorobe Forest corridor, where it has pioneered a successful initiative to involve communities and regional authorities in the management of natural resources.

Fanamby's efforts are now centered upon maintaining biodiversity between the Loky and Manambato rivers in the Daraina region of northeastern Madagascar—a major initiative receiving support from the CEPF during 2001-2003. The area is the only location where the endangered golden-crowned sifaka is found.

The association is undertaking multiple activities that integrate development, research, training and outreach. One important component is development of a Regional Natural Resource Management Conservation Committee that will ultimately be in charge of implementation of community management plans.