Related Programs

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) has helped create and supports a variety of small grants programs that are directly managed by local partners in biodiversity hotspots where we invest. These programs help us implement specific strategic objectives and broaden our reach at the local level.

We also support several programs that are designed to benefit partners across multiple hotspots.

Atlantic Forest

Institutional Strengthening Program in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
This program, managed by two local organizations, provides small grants to build the capacity of institutions in the two biodiversity conservation corridors where CEPF focuses its investments in the Brazilian part of the Atlantic Forest Hotspot. Associação Mico-Leão Dourado manages the program in the Serra do Mar Corridor and Instituto de Estudos Sócioambientais do Sul da Bahia manages the program in the Central Corridor.

For more information:
Associação Mico-Leão Dourado
Denise Rambaldi
Telefax: (55) 22 400-7702
Mailing address: Rodovia BR-101, Km 214, Caixa Postal: 109.968 CEP.: 28.860-000, Casimiro de Abreu - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Instituto de Estudos Sócioambientais do Sul da Bahia
Paulo Villa Nova
Telefax: (55) 73 634-2179
Mailing address: Caixa Postal 84, Ilhéus - Bahia - Brasil

Program for the Support of RPPNs in the Atlantic Forest
This program, managed by the Alliance for the Conservation of the Atlantic Forest provides small grants to support the sustainable management of existing Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) and efforts to create new ones in the Central and Serra do Mar biodiversity conservation corridors in Brazil. The alliance includes Fundaçao SOS Mata Atlântica and Conservação Internacional do Brasil.

For more information:
Aliança para a Conservação da Mata Atlântica
Márcia Hirota
Telefax: (55) 11 3055-7888
Mailing address: Endereço Rua Manoel da Nóbrega, 456, 04001-001 São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Protection of Threatened Species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Program
This program, managed by Fundação Biodiversitas and Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste, provides small grants in support of efforts related to Critically Endangered species. It is the only component within the CEPF Atlantic Forest portfolio that focuses outside of the Central and Serra do Mar biodiversity conservation corridors in Brazil, covering the remainder of the Brazilian portion of the hotspot.

For more information:
Fundação Biodiversitas and Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste
Gláucia Maciel
Tel: (55) 31-3292-8235; Fax (55) 31-3291-7658
Mailing address: R. Ludgero Dolabela, 1021 - 7o andar - Gutierrez - CEP 30430-130 Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil - Caixa Postal 1462

Cape Floristic Region

Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor Small Grants Fund
This program, managed by the Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor (GCBC) Project Management Unit as part of CapeNature, awards small grants to civil society partners in the Cape Floristic Region and Succulent Karoo hotspots to ensure engagement in biodiversity conservation. Each grant awarded helps to implement the GCBC's objective of promoting innovative private sector and community involvement in biodiversity conservation, whilst ensuring action towards a common vision.

For more information:
Adrie Koch
Tel: (+27) 082 786 9858
Fax: (+27) 022 931 2149
Mailing Address: PO Box 26, Porterville, 6810, South Africa


Caucasus Conservation Small Grants Fund
This program, managed by WWF-Caucasus, provides small grants to local organizations, scientific researchers and local communities to help with the conservation of the 50 globally threatened species in the Caucasus Hotspot, which covers parts of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey. The fund focuses on developing alternative livelihoods, biodiversity management, training, communication and information gathering.

For more information:
WWF Caucasus Programme Office
Nugzar Zazanashvili, Conservation Director
Tel: (995) 32 330155 / 54
Fax: (995) 32 330190
Mailing address: WWF Caucasus, CEPF project, 11 Alexidze St., Tbilisi 0193, Georgia

Guinean Forests of West Africa

The Great Ape Emergency Conservation Fund
This program, managed by Conservation International’s Center for Applied Biodiversity Science, funds projects that provide urgently needed support for the conservation and protection of great apes, particularly the West African chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), in emergency situations. CEPF funding to the program is geographically restricted within the Upper Guinean Forest to target emergencies (natural and man-made disasters, as well as urgent threats from development projects) in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Togo. The fund provides small grants up to $5,000.

For more information:
The Great Ape Emergency Conservation Fund
Liz Williamson
Tel: +1 (703) 341-2400
Mailing address: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Conservation International, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202, USA

Liberian Conservation Action Fund
This program funds projects in Liberia that focus on scientific research, reducing threats to wildlife, creating and managing protected areas and improving the livelihoods of those who live around them. Administered jointly by Conservation International-Liberia, the Forestry Development Authority, Environmental Foundation for Africa, Fauna & Flora International and CEPF, the fund works to achieve specific conservation outcomes while also encouraging the growth of Liberian NGOs, improving their financial management capacity and strengthening links between them, international organizations and governmental agencies.

For more information:
Conservation International-Liberia
Nat Walker
Tel: (231) 6 538 002
Fax: (231) 6 226 749
Mailing address: Conservation International-Liberia, Smythe Road, Old Road, Monrovia, Liberia


Madagascar Small Grants Project
This program, managed by Conservation International in Madagascar, supports local communities, organizations and researchers through small grants for biodiversity management, species conservation, communication and information gathering. It includes a complementary program to develop capacity for technical action and project and financial management implemented through regional partner organizations that act as “nodes” for the overall program and award micro-grants.

For more information:
Conservation International-Madagascar
Haingo Rajaofara
Tel: (261) 20 22 609 79; Fax (261) 20 22 205 29
Mailing address: 6, rue Razafindratandra - Ambohidahy- Antananarivo (101), Madagascar

Mountains of Southwest China

Conservation Small Grants Fund
This program, managed by WWF China, targets field-based conservation initiatives on China's lesser-known Endangered species and their habitats in the Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot.

The program aims to support rapid assessment of emerging conservation problems, promote critical research on poorly understood species, raise public awareness, and encourage the development of innovative conservation strategies.

For more information:
WWF China Program Office Conservation Small Grants Fund
Yan Yang
Tel: (86) 10 6522 7100 ext. 3221; Fax: (86) 10 6522 7300
Mailing address: 1609 Wen Hua Gong, Working People's Culture Palace, Beijing, China 100006

The Philippines

Emergency Action for Threatened Species in the Philippines Program
This program, managed by the Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, provides small grants for research, field training, site implementation and institutional strengthening.

While CEPF investments focus on Eastern Mindanao, Palawan and Sierra Madre, this program supports activities primarily in Cebu, Negros, Mindoro, Panay, Sibuyan and Tawi-tawi to help conserve the 30 percent of the Philippines' unique species found outside the focal areas.

For more information:
Haribon Foundation Threatened Species Program
Tanya Conlu
E-mail: or
Tel. (632) 02 433 4376, 434 8237, 436 2756, 433 3474, 436 4363; Fax (632) 02 924 8978
Mailing address: 4/F Fil-Garcia Tower, 140 Kalayaan Ave., Diliman, 1105 Quezon City, Philippines

Succulent Karoo

Greater Cederberg Biodiversity Corridor Small Grants Fund (see Cape Floristic Region, above)

SKEP Namibia Small Grants Program
This program, managed by the Namibia Nature Fund, aims to empower nongovernmental organizations, community- and faith-based organizations, institutions and individuals in the Namibian section of the Succulent Karoo to care for their natural resources, to derive benefits from them, and to promote environmental democracy that enhances their participation in advocating sustainable development.

The fund focuses on projects that improve knowledge of biodiversity in conservation critical areas, contribute to its improved management or link it with sustainable management of natural resources. Promoting public-private partnerships for conservation and the creation of sustainable livelihoods and raising awareness about biodiversity, sustainable development and the importance of the Succulent Karoo are also key project criteria.

For more information:
Namibia Nature Foundation
Benedict Libanda, NNF Small Grants Manager
Tel. (264) 61 248345; Fax (264) 61 248344
Mailing Address: Namibia Nature Foundation, PO Box 245, Windhoek, Namibia

Tropical Andes

Small Grants Program for the Peruvian Portion of the Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor
This program is managed by Asociación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza and provides small grants to projects directed toward the conservation of threatened flora and fauna within the Peruvian portion of the Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor. The program supports the CEPF strategic direction for the Tropical Andes Hotspot to provide community-based conservation education and research.

Matching funds are being provided by Conservation International’s Center for Biodiversity Conservation in the Andes, creating at least two years of funding for research projects on priority species.

For more information:
Asociación Peruana para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
Silvia Sanchez, Project Officer
Cecilia Yockteng, President
Tel: ++ (51 1) 2645804/ 264 0094; Fax: ++ (51 1) 264 3027
Mailing address: Parque Jose Acosta, 187 Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17, Peru

Multi-Hotspot Programs

The Amphibian Action Fund
This program is managed by Arizona State University in partnership with the Global Amphibian Specialist Group and provides small grants to projects directed at the conservation of globally threatened amphibians as listed in the Global Amphibian Assessment. The fund places the highest priority on projects aimed at research, capacity building, and concrete conservation action that reverses the decline of threatened endemic species.

The program targets projects in the Caucasus, Guinean Forests of West Africa, Mesoamerica, Mountains of Southwest China, and Succulent Karoo hotspots, as well as in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya region.

For more information:
Robin Moore
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 1 (703) 341-2400
Mailing address: Conservation International, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202, USA

Save The Tiger Fund
This is a special program of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. It helps to ensure the long-term survival of Asia’s remaining populations of wild tigers by providing grants to support conservation of tigers, their prey and their habitat. The fund places the highest priority upon supporting projects that involve on-the-ground conservation in tiger range countries, leverage other donor funds, build local and regional capacity and incorporate partnerships.

For more information:
Save The Tiger Fund
Mahendra Shrestha
Tel: (1) 202-857-0166; Fax: (1) 202-857-0162
Mailing address: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 1120 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20032, USA