Priority Areas
Africa and Madagascar

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Founded in 1987, Conservation International (CI) is an innovative leader in global biodiversity conservation. Our scientists, economists, communicators, educators, and other professionals work with hundreds of partners to identify and overcome threats to biodiversity. CI employs more than 800 people around the world; the majority are based in countries where biodiversity is most threatened, and most are citizens of the country in which they work.

Where We Work
CI targets high-biodiversity areas where the needs are greatest and where each conservation dollar spent can save the most species:

CI is headquartered near Washington, D.C., but we concentrate our efforts overseas. We work in more than 40 countries, the majority of them developing nations in: Because no single organization can safeguard Earth's biologically richest places, enabling partners is a cornerstone of our strategic approach. In 2004, we shared approximately one-fourth of our budget with nearly 350 conservation partners throughout our priority areas.

Our Conservation Funding division manages an array of mechanisms to directly finance conservation efforts by our field programs and partners in ways that multiply our conservation outcomes around the world.
Resources and Links

CI Wide
Biodiversity Hotspots:
Marine Portal:
Field Web Site: CI Bolivia
Field Web Site: CI Brazil
Field Web Site: CI Colombia
Field Web Site: CI Indonesia
Field Web Site: CI Japan
Field Web Site: CI Melanesia
Field Web Site: CI Gulf of California, Mexico
Field Web Site: CI Peru
Field Web Site: CI Suriname

Annual Report: 2005 Paperless PDF (2.7mb)
Factsheet: CI Overview (44kb PDF)

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© CI, Haroldo Castro
The remains of the ancient city of Machu Picchu sit high above the Urubamba River in the heart of the Tropical Andes hotspots.

© CI, Russell A. Mittermeier
Indispensable reef of Rennell Island is part of the East Melanesian Islands hotspot.

© CI, Haroldo Castro
Six of the eight species of baobabs (also called bottle trees) are from Madagascar.

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