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Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO, Conservation International

Peter Seligmann has a vision and a mission. The vision is an environmentally healthy world that will provide economic opportunities and security for all people. The mission is to bring together industry, government, religious leaders, professors, scientists, local and indigenous people to make that vision a reality.

Mission impossible? Hardly. Peter’s passion is contagious. People worldwide – from local communities to captains of industry to heads of state – are buying in to Peter Seligmann’s bold agenda. Peter is helping the world understand that peace and prosperity really will be impossible if the devastation of the world’s ecosystems is allowed to continue.

The future Peter imagines – in which our Earth’s natural wealth serves as the cornerstone for vibrant, thriving human societies – is attainable, but it will require a global shift in attitudes and actions. As Peter touches hearts and changes minds, more and more people embrace a conservation ethic.

Areas of Expertise

Partnerships in conservation: Whether empowering communities to take control of conservation locally or working with multinational corporations to establish environmental best practices, partnerships have been a hallmark of Peter’s leadership at CI.

Business and environment: Peter is an authority on how the power of the private sector can be harnessed to protect the Earth’s biodiversity.

Ecosystem services: The bounty of nature provides clean air, water, and sustenance for the human race. When ecosystems are disturbed, not only is our quality of life diminished - our survival as a species is called into question. Peter's vision of a future in which all humanity enjoys the benefits of healthy ecosystems has inspired people the world over.

Conservation solutions: Peter focuses on finding strategic positive tipping points: activities and partners that will allow CI's work to have a truly global impact. Maximizing the impact of our work ensures that generations to come will enjoy Earth’s abundant biodiversity.

Environmental leadership: Having overseen CI’s growth from a few zealous individuals to one of the foremost forces for conservation today, Peter is widely recognized as one of the world’s most inspiring and dynamic environmental entrepreneurs. Constantly bringing new ideas and innovation to the table, Peter’s spirit has changed the scale of conservation.

Resources and Links
Peter Seligmann's bio on
Frontlines article by Peter on conservation and economic development

To arrange an interview or a speaking engagement, use our Contact Us form and select subject "Experts".
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© Ron Wurzer
Peter speaking in Seattle. Partnerships, such as CI's alliance with indigenous groups in Papua New Guinea, are crucial to CI's success.

© Russell A. Mittermeier/Conservation International
Peter takes a moment to visit with the local fauna: a chameleon in Madagascar.

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