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The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business
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Engaging the Private Sector as a Force for
Biodiversity Conservation

Companies with a global presence have an opportunity to shift the impact of their activities from environmental harm to ecological stewardship. As business acquires more influence worldwide and public support for conservation grows, companies are discovering new incentives to demonstrate environmental leadership. To catalyze this transformation, Conservation International (CI) and Ford Motor Company established The Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB) to engage the private sector worldwide in creating solutions to critical global environmental problems in which industry plays a defining role.

We work on two complementary levels—global and local. Guided by our strategies, our programs convene global dialogues to create best practices within key industries worldwide and promote effective policy solutions on issues such as global climate change. At the same time, we roll up our sleeves to test our ideas in the field with businesses operating in places such as biodiversity hotspots and wilderness areas. We believe that both approaches are essential to ensure that conservation solutions are viable and replicable and have buy-in at both business unit and corporate levels.


Our Mission:

To engage the private sector worldwide in creating solutions to critical global environmental problems in which industry plays a defining role

 Photo credits for banner image: (Zebras in Botswana) © CI, Chris Brooks